Pool full - system unstable - pools no longer mount

@erisler Hello again.

So to clarigy Re:


Is it still the case that if you wait a bit after boot and then try starting the bootstrap service via the given command that it does, or doesn’t then start OK.

I’m reading that it does but we obviously want

as in on boot.

If there is a delay in the mount, then the boot strap service can time out. And that is what this looks like.

Can you confirm your Rockstor version:

yum info rockstor

As then we can see if we have a quote disable option or not.

And given this initially looks like a btrfs mount/timing issue post an unclean mount, it may be worth trying our years newer btrfs stack in our Rockstor 4 "Built on openSUSE’ offering. It may just be that it is able to import and mount this pool just dandy. No download just yet but we do have a DIY installer builder here:

And we are after tester for this procedure:

Just a thought. Especially as if you have a spare drive to use as a system drive you could see if it helps and always revert to your existing install either way. Do make sure not to have both system drives attached at the same time though. This breaks things. We aren’t releasing any more updates to either CentOS based channel now so it might be a good time to adopt the newer btrfs stack to see if it can import / mount you pool in it’s current state. We are on release candidate 3 rpm as of yesterdays release into the ‘Built on openSUSE’ testing channel - 4.0.2-0:

Hope that helps.