I tried installing the latest stable release on Dell 1U Poweredge CS24-NV5 with Nvidna nforce ethernet interfaces. During the Anaconda installation screen, the installer is unable to detect my 2 network interfaces. “No network devices avail… but required by Rockstor” is displayed on the Network & Hostname tile. Please advice.
@supr Welcome to Rockstor community. That’s a little unlucky. Might be an obvious question but can you confirm that you had at least one of the interfaces connected to a DHCP capable network, and if that didn’t work did you try attaching the other interface in turn. I’ll assume you did though.
This machine seems to have an intel pro/1000 pt adapter in some search results (possibly re-badged by nvidia) that seems to have had some earlier kernel issues but I would have expected it to be OK now. There were issues apparently with an 82571EB in CentOS6.4:- dpdk.org/ml/archives/dev/2014-March/001560.html
What is the exact model of the network card / adapter, so we might more easily look it up?
ie reading what you can on the card or
lspci | grep Ethernet
at a terminal
The Rockstor installer kernel is a standard CentOS 7 one so is much older than the installed epel kernel so it might be simplest to just use another network adapter during install and if that works then try switching back to this one once you’ve got an install and the newer kernel in place.
Lest us know how it goes, sorry not to be of more help here.
@supr I am pretty sure you are the one from twitter, so thanks for coming over to the forum. Just to confirm, you have installed vanilla CentOS 7 and it installed fine? It’s possible that there have been updates to CentOS 7 since we baked the ISO last time. We are due for a new ISO soon, but before I embark on that task, it would save a lot of time if you could confirm that CentOS 7 detects the nics and install fine but Rockstor does not.
Thanks for helping me out. Yes, i can confirm that vanilla CentOS 7 detects the nic’s just fine during the installation.
Even though the nics during the RockStor installation were not detected, i went ahead with the installation. However, after the installation i noticed that the Nic’s showed up just fine. So, this is not a high priority issue for me. But, a nice to have.
Will give RockStor a try now that i have it running.