[Request] Rockon Handbrake

I would like to swap from UnRaid to rockstor but there are a few dockers that arent available on Rockstor that is stopping me from the transition. Can someone please create a Handbrake rock-on? On Unraid, the docker that i use is:


Dont know if someone can help me create/convert to a json for rockstor use.


Shouldn’t be hard, I would think we’d use this one. I’ll give it a shot this weekend.

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Nice… thanks for taking a crack at it. Does that docker/build have a gui interface? That seems just to use the command CLI version. Having a remote web interface like guacamole or i believe the unraid docker uses xrdp would be a better docker to go with.

tl;dr - have you gotten this working on docker via cli? what did you pass as arguments?

So I took a shot and fell flat. I can certainly get the rockstor portion working but I can’t seem to get the docker container working. The linuxserver project is stale, so that’s a no go. I tried two other handbrake docker hub containers and couldn’t get it working well (I am using Kitematic on El Capitan so it could be me). It appears they use a java interface to simulate the GUI. I bet it’s a lot like transmission (you can find the docker hub project by looking at the JSON file on github (search rockstor rockon)).