Rock-on 'Updates' Broken due to Prev. Missing Docker Image


A few weeks ago, an attempt to install the BTSync Rock-on resulted in the issue described at Btsync Install Problem , due to the referenced Docker image having disappeared.

Consequentially, attempting to ‘update’ Rock-ons now results in this error:


Errors occurred while processing updates for following Rock-ons. BTSync: Cannot add/remove container definitions for BTSync as it is not in available state. Uninstall the Rock-on first and try again.

…however, the initial BTSync install failure seems to have made uninstallation impossible: BTSync remains under the Rock-ons / ‘All’ tab referencing the initial failure.

While this behavior seems like a bug worth reporting, I would personally appreciate any help in alleviating the issue.

Andrew Feldhacker

/opt/rockstor/var/rockstor.log upon attempting to ‘update’ Rock-ons:

[05/Apr/2016 14:02:31] ERROR [storageadmin.util:46] request path: /api/rockons/update method: POST data: <QueryDict: {}>
[05/Apr/2016 14:02:31] ERROR [storageadmin.util:47] exception: Cannot add/remove container definitions for BTSync as it is not in available state. Uninstall the Rock-on first and try again.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/rockstor/eggs/gunicorn-0.16.1-py2.7.egg/gunicorn/workers/”, line 34, in run
client, addr = self.socket.accept()
File “/usr/lib64/python2.7/”, line 202, in accept
sock, addr = self._sock.accept()
error: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable
[05/Apr/2016 14:02:31] DEBUG [storageadmin.util:48] Current Rockstor version: 3.8-12
[05/Apr/2016 14:02:31] ERROR [storageadmin.views.rockon:108] Cannot add/remove container definitions for BTSync as it is not in available state. Uninstall the Rock-on first and try again.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/views/”, line 105, in post
self._create_update_meta(r, rockons[r])
File “/opt/rockstor/eggs/Django-1.6.11-py2.7.egg/django/db/”, line 371, in inner
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/views/”, line 169, in _create_update_meta
handle_exception(Exception(e_msg), self.request)
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/”, line 52, in handle_exception
raise RockStorAPIException(detail=e_msg)
RockStorAPIException: Cannot add/remove container definitions for BTSync as it is not in available state. Uninstall the Rock-on first and try again.
[05/Apr/2016 14:02:33] ERROR [storageadmin.util:46] request path: /api/rockons/update method: POST data: <QueryDict: {}>
[05/Apr/2016 14:02:33] ERROR [storageadmin.util:47] exception: Errors occurred while processing updates for following Rock-ons. BTSync: Cannot add/remove container definitions for BTSync as it is not in available state. Uninstall the Rock-on first and try again.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/views/”, line 105, in post
self._create_update_meta(r, rockons[r])
File “/opt/rockstor/eggs/Django-1.6.11-py2.7.egg/django/db/”, line 371, in inner
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/views/”, line 169, in _create_update_meta
handle_exception(Exception(e_msg), self.request)
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/”, line 52, in handle_exception
raise RockStorAPIException(detail=e_msg)
RockStorAPIException: Cannot add/remove container definitions for BTSync as it is not in available state. Uninstall the Rock-on first and try again.
[05/Apr/2016 14:02:33] DEBUG [storageadmin.util:48] Current Rockstor version: 3.8-12

/opt/rockstor/var/rockstor.log upon attempting to install the BTSync Rock-on:

[05/Apr/2016 14:20:30] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon_helpers:70] Attempted to remove a container(btsync). out: [‘’] err: [‘Error response from daemon: no such id: btsync’, ‘Error: failed to remove containers: [btsync]’, ‘’] rc: 1.
[05/Apr/2016 14:20:32] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon_helpers:127] exception while installing the Rockon(2)
[05/Apr/2016 14:20:32] ERROR [storageadmin.views.rockon_helpers:128] Error running a command. cmd = [‘/usr/bin/docker’, ‘run’, ‘–log-driver=syslog’, ‘-d’, ‘–restart=unless-stopped’, ‘–name’, ‘btsync’, ‘-v’, ‘/mnt2/documents:/data’, ‘-p’, ‘8888:8888/tcp’, ‘-p’, ‘3369:3369/tcp’, ‘-p’, ‘3369:3369/udp’, ‘aostanin/btsync’]. rc = 1. stdout = [‘’]. stderr = [“Unable to find image ‘aostanin/btsync:latest’ locally”, ‘Pulling repository’, ‘Error: image aostanin/btsync:latest not found’, ‘’]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/views/”, line 125, in install
globals().get(‘%s_install’ %, generic_install)(rockon)
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/views/”, line 214, in generic_install
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/system/”, line 92, in run_command
raise CommandException(cmd, out, err, rc)
CommandException: Error running a command. cmd = [‘/usr/bin/docker’, ‘run’, ‘–log-driver=syslog’, ‘-d’, ‘–restart=unless-stopped’, ‘–name’, ‘btsync’, ‘-v’, ‘/mnt2/documents:/data’, ‘-p’, ‘8888:8888/tcp’, ‘-p’, ‘3369:3369/tcp’, ‘-p’, ‘3369:3369/udp’, ‘aostanin/btsync’]. rc = 1. stdout = [‘’]. stderr = [“Unable to find image ‘aostanin/btsync:latest’ locally”, ‘Pulling repository’, ‘Error: image aostanin/btsync:latest not found’, ‘’]

Hi @Andrew_J, thanks for the info. Are you running the latest/3.8-12.07?

Hi suman,

Thanks for the quick and helpful response. The issue was resolved upon changing to testing/3.8-12.07 from stable/3.8-12 .

Thanks again,