Rockon update fails

@DrC Hello there.

Not necessarily. First off. Well done on building and installing 4. Nice. Now we have an oustanding issue in upstream with regards to docker not liking our IPv4 only environment. We are awaiting a fix in upstream for this. Docker has fixed it but openSUSE Leap is hopefully to get this fix soon. And thus we will too.

Take a look at the following forum thread for the work around (downgrading docker) for now:

It’s quite frustrating for all concerned but downgrading the docker package and pinning / locking that for the time being should get you sorted. The Rockstor 3 development is now legacy and we no loner release updates to that version. But as you say we haven’t had any other reports; at least yet.

So take a look at @sanderweel work around in that thread:

and see if that gets you sorted. Hopefully this upstream docker fix will appear in a leap update soon and you can then remove the package lock (see later in that forum thread).

N.B. Re:

That seems like a long time actually.

Length: 3333 (3.3K) [application/json]
Saving to: ‘root.json’

root.json                             100%[=========================================================================>]   3.25K  --.-KB/s    in 0.002s  

2021-07-18 20:21:48 (2.00 MB/s) - ‘root.json’ saved [3333/3333]

From Europe mainland.

So the root cause may be a timeout as root.json is only one of a series of files to retrieve, i.e. one for each Rock-on. To see the current file count see this repo:

And this is served from

We do have mid term plans to add web server side compression to these files to speed up their download but that’s not going to make a tone of difference. But is should help a little.

Let us know how you get on with the docker downgrade on the Rockstor 4 and then hopefully folks here can come us with something to increase the time out or speed things up some how. What is the hardware you are using for this Rockstor instance?

Hope that helps and thanks for the report.

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