Just a question here. Contemplating running a Minecraft server with Rockstor. Don’t know much (yet) about the Minecraft server but since the kids are getting into it, thought it might be a good idea. Just wondering if anyone else has had any experience doing this. Would have to be installed at the command line since there isn’t a Rockon for it (could there be?).
I figured since the server is on-line 24/7, this might be a good platform to act as a server.
Hi @superfrog73,
I’m not a Rock-ons guru, but I’m quite sure a Minecraft docker image exists, so you can think about creating a Rockstor Rock-on for this
Was thinking about that, but I wouldn’t know really where to start yet. I did find some info on putting Minecraft in a docker here : https://hub.docker.com/r/itzg/minecraft-server/. Maybe when I have a bit more time I’ll look into it. I’ll have to figure out the whole git repository for here… I use it at work but someone else set it up
@superfrog73 what you point to is minecraft-server in a docker. And if you wanted that particular docker image definition to be used by a Rock-on then you can follow the instructions linked by @Flyer to write a simple wrapper definition (single text file) that makes a linked docker image (on docker hub) into a Rock-on.
If you take a look at the other Rock-on definition files in GitHub rockon-registry repository you will see how each contains a link to one or more docker images such as you have referenced. Plus the README.md in that repo has a guide on how to write this single file wrapper definition.
For example where as the plex rock-on defines it’s image to be:
"image": "linuxserver/plex",
your rock-on, where it to use your indicated docker image, would have the following line:
"image": "itzg/minecraft-server",
Rock-ons are really just a very thin ui layer (defined by the other entries in that file) to allow easy installation of the chosen docker images. In fact you can see the equivalent page for the chosen linuxserver/plex docker image here: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/plex/
Hi, I know I’m new to it so when I managed to install the rock-on minecraft server (which is already available in the rock-ons list.Thanks) I did not find any UI to control it or a relatively easy guide, as the existing guide is intended to be used for dockers and I don’t know how to apply it on my NAS. It might be possible to have something more basic to use the server
i mean my minecraft server works but i cant access form minecraft because it tells me that it cant verify my user name, so how i can access the docker from the command line? because each time that i type some docker command im not sure that i even talking with the good docker/rock-on (i have:emby,jdownloader2 and minecraft) so how can i “talk” directly with the minecraft server ? thanks
since the image is based on the itzg/minecraft-server docker image (https://hub.docker.com/r/itzg/minecraft-server), you should be able to get to it with the following command from your server terminal (or if you SSH in using something like puTTY):
docker exec -i mc rcon-cli
that should allow you work with the commands using the rcon protocol. And if you specified the volume for server data, that’s accessible via your normal file managers, so you can make config changes and activate them by restarting the rockon through the RockStor WebUi (or using the example commands shown on the docker page)…
it was a matter of sharing my minecraft share via samba and modifying the server properties file the: online-mode from true to false and like that i can use the Tlauncher for minecraft without any problems in my LAN, after was about to port-forward the ip of my NAS with the minecraft port and voila: a fast server but im still not able to control directly by commands the server. i already tried the:
docker exec -i mc rcon-cli
and after a command but nothing just an unknown command line as an answer
In my experiments, I did not encounter the login/validation issues that you have experienced. But, yes, you are right, for playing around with any of the server.properties file it’s useful to have SMB access to that data share.
On your other comments, it appears the rcon-cli is started last, so it doesn’t come available until after a few minutes.
I think you need to add the server command like op/start/stop when you execute the docker
so: docker exec -i mc rcon-cli
which will give you: >
and then you could type in op pixelhead
which in turn will give you the output: Made pixelhead a server operator
if you want to see the console output you can do a docker attach mc which should give you redirected output onto your terminal like this:
But I haven’t figured out, how to then further interact … that’s why the RCON is there … you could attach one session to see the server log running and use another session to interact with the server.
In general, I have noticed, that for the RockOn’s underlying docker image you have to use the Java Minecraft client, otherwise you can’t connect at all. The maintainer has a specific server container if you use console or windows clients (Docker).
I’m thinking of creating a rock-on for the Bedrock server and. I already made a copy of the java server with the Bedrock server settings but apparently my homemade rock-on doesn’t work well. Maybe you should ask for help to place a pull request :?
I have not had time to spin it up on my box yet, but I noticed, for the port you need to set the protocol to “udp” (in the json file it’s “tcp” from the original minecraft server rock-on).
From the docker hub:
Exposed Ports
UDP 19132 : the Bedrock server port. NOTE that you must append /udp when exposing the port, such as -p 19132:19132/udp
Turns out, I did have some time left :).
I took your file and only changed the protocol to udp. On my machine the server came up, and I was able to connect using the Windows 10 version of the Minecraft client.
In my case, since I already the default minecraft rockon installed, it suggested the next available port, hence the mapping between 19133 to internal port 19132.
and on the SMB share I specified, I can see the server.properties file being touched, and new ones created:
Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the help. Well, I already changed the port to UDP and nothing I still have the same problem. instead in the server folder I can see the files but the server does not work I do not know if I have missing some step ?
had already
deleted the local folder: rm -rf /opt/rockstor/rockons-metastore , then create a new: mkdir /opt/rockstor/rockons-metastore
and download the .json and still nothing
can you use the RockOn removal script (so the container is thrown out and all that):
and just start it directly from the command line via docker? I found on the developer’s GitHub that you could connect to the container this way, to see whether it is actually coming up on your machine:
docker run --rm -it -e EULA=TRUE itzg/minecraft-bedrock-server
then the startup status should run, and once that’s complete, you disconnect from it using +P and +Q … and then check what docker ps has to say?
Just trying to see, whether there is some other underlying problem why it never reaches the “healthy” status …