I’ll admit that I, too, tried to check this “Demo” the first time before downloading the iso and commit.
However, I could easily try a full install in a quick VM without a problem (Link to Documentation), including from a windows machine using VirtualBox.
You may want to give it a try as it will probably let you test a lot more things than the Demo.
I think regardless which options are possible to explore Rockstor layout and features…if you offer a “Demo Button” on the website it should work otherwise simply remove it.
Any dead link on any website looks not professional!
I agree with you on that… I actually had a similar feeling the first time I looked at Rockstor. I was trying to better understand the differences between FreeNAS and Rockstor at the time, and was excited to see a Demo link at first, but a little disappointed to see it was only a dead link (especially after reading some outdated comparisons between both systems where the development of FreeNAS is proclaimed a lot more active than Rockstor).
Maybe this link could be removed, or point to the VM section in the documentation.
Demo still not working? How should I believe Rockstor is a reliable solution if even a product demonstration on the front page remains unfixed for 3 weeks…?