Rockstor on Vanilla MicroOS openSUSE - AppArmor

Oh OK… that’s more motivating then :slight_smile: .

@simon-77, I would believe the best documentation you can get for either of these would be from openSUSE docs themselves as we really try to remain as close as possible from our upstream defaults:

It doesn’t seem to apply to MicroOS, but in Leap, it appears no policy is provided and one has to make it: openSUSE Leap 15.4 | Security and Hardening Guide | Configuring SELinux

A policy is not included, and you must build your own.

Based on discussions on features to add to Leap, it appears a policy won’t be provided in Leap 15, but maybe in Leap 16: Issue #36: SELinux as 'tech preview'? - features - Pagure for openSUSE

I know that’s not very helpful, but hopefully it still provides you with some elements to begin somewhere.