Scheduled snapshots stopped working after upgrade to 3.9.2-1 (stable)


After upgrade from 3.9.1 (stable) to 3.9.2-1 (stable) my sheduled snapshots stopped working.
I’m receiving emails from rockstor with following information:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/rockstor/bin/st-snapshot”, line 45, in
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/scripts/scheduled_tasks/”, line 95, in main
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/scripts/scheduled_tasks/”, line 39, in validate_snap_meta
if meta[‘share’].isdigit():
AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘isdigit’

This is strage, but on the Scheduled Tasks window, the type is showing “undefined” keyword.

When i enter the task definition, the share field has’t got a value. Maybe this is related.

@zoombiel Hello again.

Thanks for the report. @suman advised and coded a migration of existing scheduled snapshots that I had not managed to integrate into a series of regression fixes I did and I’m afraid your ‘undefined’ is an element of the following pending issue:

But we have had this confirmed as primarily UI related (the ‘undefined’) element. I.e. prior snapshot tasks should still execute (thanks to the additional of @suman’s hot fix in stable). So I’m surprised to see your’s not carrying over.

The Type entry in brackets is meant to show the share name: the bit that our in-progress migration code sacrifices to enable 3.9.1 created scheduled snapshots to carry over to 3.9.2.

Could you try making a fresh scheduled snapshot task and report back on if that one works as intended (bar the broken share name)?

The share’s themselves (via their details pages - snapshot tabs) I think should show their respective snapshots, it’s my understanding that it’s just the scheduled overview page that’s got these ‘undefined’ share names, a recent addition that did work prior to the prioritised migration code.

I’ve added your report and a link back to this forum thread in the above referenced issue.

Apologies for the inconvenience. Bit of a long tail on some large changes we had to make but we are getting there. I should have put some migration code in earlier at the expense of a more delayed fix for schedules not working at all for a bit (in the last testing channel dev cycle). Oh well, bit by bit.

Thanks again for the report.


Thank you for your reply @phillxnet. I’ve created a fresh scheduled snapshot task. For that task snapshot works as intended, so i will recreate all the tasks.

@zoombiel Thanks for the update and glad you’ve got a work around.

I have update the referenced issue accordingly. Thanks for helping to pin this one down.