Setting up pi-hole

The way we’ve been addressing this kind of situation so far has been to create a "port" object with the "ui": true flag. Even if docker ignores this setting due to the host networking, Rockstor will use that to build the “webUI link” button. The inconvenience is that the user needs to set this port to the same value as the WEB_PORT environment variable for Pi-Hole. @Hooverdan, do I get this right about the WEB_PORT variable (my thoughts are based on the following doc:


@Felix Quick doc follow-up:

Earlier I created the following issue that is now resolved:

Our Force uninstall of a Rock-on: doc section now has instructions relevant to 4.5.4-0 onwards.
See: Rock-ons (Docker Plugins) — Rockstor documentation
A page refresh may be required to pick-up the just published changes.

Hope that helps.


@Flox, yes. In reading some other forums, due to the net=host flag the explicit port mapping is rendered useless (as per dockers standard), the best option seemed to be to define the explicit webui port variable. In the test version I removed those previously set up port mappings.
@phillxnet that’s why the UI piece didn’t work anymore.
However, for now we could “ask” the user to populate the same port twice and enable the Jo link on the Rockon page again, until we find a more elegant to for example designate any port or environment variable to represent the UI port definition. Or…down the line make the macvlan network part of the Rocknet functionality, so this won’t be necessary…
I can put the port object back in, test it a bit and create a PR for it.
I have not checked how I can do this through pihole Config itself (but the link to the port object would still be required for the Rockon UI link to work.


Thanks for the additional information.

Yeah, I think it’s a necessary evil for now, unfortunately, and a less inconvenient solution than not having a UI button. Once we have our next Stable, I’m hoping to start addressing our Rock-On-related backlog to improve this sort of things.

Agreed; that was the intent. Rocknets were too big of a change to add too many things at once so it was focused on bridge networks at first, leaving the rest for a later time. This is the first very popular recommendation for a macvlan solution I see though, so it’s really nice to see a very approachable use for it… motivating the support for that as well.

That would perfect, thank you so much!

Yeah I’m afraid the port object is indeed the only way to have a UI button created for now.


I just realized that there was already an issue logged for the dhcp server aspect on github. For reference posting the link here:


I also submitted a Pull Request for this just now. If/when reviewed and approved, this should be available at some point in the near future.


@Felix, just FYI, there is now a new version available of the pi-hole Rockon that includes the net=host option. If you want to use that one, you will need to uninstall (like you’ve done before) the test version and use the rockon delete script (as mentioned above) and refresh the Rockon list. You should then be able to use the new version (along with your existing config that is available in the pi-hole shares you had used in prior installations).