@div0 Not sure but maybe the Multi Period Snapshots howto in the docs will help here. I think that is the intended, and tested, way of doing what I think you are after. I don’t think you can have multiple snapshot tasks with the same prefix but different max counts; pretty sure the prefixes are used as a unique identifier for the task itself (hence your experience). If you find the suggested way in the docs works for you, maybe we have a bug here on allowing this arrangement in the first place. If that is your assessment then do please open an issue for this on GitHub so that it might be recorded as an inelegance of sorts.
I need the same snapshot prefix for all snapshots to be able to restore an earlier version of a file over Samba.
I will try to make a double prefix for my different Snapshots the following way, maybe that helps:
Snapshot every Wednesday, max count 1, prefix SsC_mi
Snapshot every Sunday, max count 1, prefix SsC_so
Snapshot every Friday, max count 4, prefix SsC_fr
I leave the Snapshot prefix setting in Samba config as SsC