Several services are not working

Several of the functions of my rockstor install are not working. Namely the networking widget, the CPU widget, and now the auto update function. I don’t know if I can manually force rockstor to update from 3.8-13 to 3.8-14 or if I should just reinstall the newer version of rockstor. Does anyone have any advice before I start wiping the boot drive?

Could you try updating again please? The repo is updated now.

Everything that was broken is now fixed. You rock dude. Just one slight problem. This error message popped up after the update

You are running an unsupported kernel(4.4.5-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64). Some features may not work properly. Please reboot and the system will automatically boot using the supported kernel(4.6.0-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64)

I have rebooted three times (twice from web ui once from ssh) and it is still there. It doesn’t seem to be causing problems but I don’t know how to fix it.

This is again my bad. Could you run yum update command please? I changed repo locations recently and failed to link our jenkins jobs properly.

Other users updating Rockstor from UI should automatically pick up the new 4.6 kernel and btrfs-progs 4.6. No need to run yum update. But if you have updated Rockstor in the last 10-15 min, you need to run it. Sorry @aehinson.

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just ran it again. Everything works beautifully. You guys are like wizards. Keep up the amazing work.