Shares VERY slow to reappear after reboot

24 hours after a reboot we still have Shares that are showing as Unmounted ??

The number of available shares has been increasing but very slowly

Any ideas why?

@MRC-MBU Hello again.

Any details. I.e. history/context, version of Rockstor, size/origin of pool number of disks, quotas enabled/disabled new/old install, new/old pool. You get the idea. I know you have posted before but it’s easier for folks to help if they have some info. And we also can’t assume this experience is concerning the same machine/setup you may have experienced previously.

But as a rough guide, all mounts are performed on boot. We don’t currently have a belated mount capability bar that involved with a one-off pool import. Or when creating a new share (btrfs sub-vol).

Hope that helps.