Tailscale on Rockstor V5050


New to Rockstor (testing). I want to install tailscale on Rockstor v5050 (testing) but i don’t see it in the Rock-ons…

How do i install it?

Greetz: Patrick

Hi @pbecks1963 ,

Nice seeing you here after the GitHub issue.

Tailscale is not available as Rock-On but as a system service.

First, you will need to install the tailscale package on your system. As you saw on the GitHub issue, it will be pre installed in our next installers but for now you will need to install it manually. @phillxnet made clear instructions: Pre-install Tailscale · Issue #142 · rockstor/rockstor-installer · GitHub

Then, you will need to configure the Tailscale service and then authenticate with your Tailscale account. We have instructions for that in our docs: Services — Rockstor documentation

Hope this helps, and let us know how it goes.