In order to better help the team do more with less, it is my opinion that an automated test run would be beneficial.
Unfortunately, due to being an OS manager with a web UI, there are strong ties to the underlying OS that negate simply “running the tests” on anything but a full OpenSuSE system, which is not the most popular offering in cloud Linux land (shocking!).
In the PR where I initially started the discussion ( ) I found that while one could use Linode instances as GitHub self-hosted runners, the costs for doing so were a “cost that we can’t currently shoulder.” - @phillxnet
Phil also mentioned they “do have self hosting via a bunch of in-house VM’s that we build the rpms on - and all tests are run during that process”, and those certainly could be used as GitHub runners, but that wasn’t brought up as a counter-solution, so they may be at full capacity, or already incurring expenses, other otherwise.
So, this is a call to the community to see if anyone knows of an inexpensive/free option for hosting some OpenSuSE VMs that could be used for automated PR testing of Rockstor.
…Bueller? Bueller?