UEFI Install support

When trying to install this to a VM or Physical machine using UEFI bios the disk fails to boot. Since this is based on CentOS7 it should be able to handle it.
This would be usefull for example for running this on a HyperV Generation 2 VM, that is currently not possible.
To work around this im currently installing a minimal CentOS7 and then installing Rockstor on it by manually adding the repository.


hey @weedv2, i am creating a new ISO as we speak, would love to fix this issue. What is the error?
Do you see the splash screen? Please walk me through what you see and where it errors out.

@suman, thanks for the quick reply. No there is no error, the disk just doesnt boot as the UEFI system does not find a bootable volume/file on the disk. So the system(UEFI) just says “no bootable media” basically.

If you have Hyper-V (Windows 8/10/2012/2008) give it a try, create a generation 2 vm and try and boot the media.

I don’t have Hyper-V, unfortunately. Since CentOS 7 works, I think we are missing a step during ISO creation. Can you try this freshly baked ISO and let me know if it works? http://rockstor.com/Rockstor-3.8-6.iso

Please update asap.

Downloading now, will update you ASAP

No. Its not working, i get
"No UEFI-compatible file system was found."
This message comes from the UEFI Bios

Ok, thanks for trying. I need to read up on this more. The simple change I made to grub doesn’t seem to be enough. Here’s the issue for it. We’ll look at it in the near future.

This would be greatly appreciated since UEFI starts MUCH faster than legacy CSM/BIOS-boot mode.
Also a lot of features f.e. SecureBoot.

Yes, especially with new hardware. I future proof’d my build, and would love to take advantage of UEFI.

can I get the rockstor repository information? and what needs to be done to add it? I believe this will fix my stability issue.

@MONSTERLY Welcome to the Rockstor community. It looks like we have a pull request ready for review / testing on this one, I’ve linked to it in the issue @suman opened as a result of this thread. So hopefully there should be some more progress on this one in the near future. This forum thread is already linked in the issue so should be updated on significant developments taking place.

Thanks to @Lorgne on GitHub for contributing this pull request, hopeful we can get this one sorted sooner rather than later.

Is there anything in planning for this, the next, or near-future release cycles? Otherwise i’m having to reinstall using a custom-tailored install disc according the steps posted by @Lorgne on github, right?

[details=Sub-thread: OT question about USB optimization]Also, scusi - as it’s indeed OT in this thread: what is the difference between USB / flashdrive installs, and regular spinning disk (/ SSD) installs of RS? The documentation just mentions some lines along “will detect USB installs and optimize accordingly”. What if if would like to transfer my existing RS setup -via CloneZilla or similar means- from an USB flashdrive to an NVMe? Any different mount options and/or logging options for postgreSQL, perhaps?
(1) Rockstor partitions should be mounted "noatime" · Issue #643 · rockstor/rockstor-core · GitHub
(2) https://github.com/rockstor/rockstor-core/issues/725[/details]

I assume i can’t change my migrated setup from BIOS to UEFI installation afterwards?