Unable to install Highpoint Rocket 750

I just bought this because I saw a lot of people using this card with Rockstor OS.

I got these instructions from the web-site

Installing Highpoint Drivers on Rockstor

I got an error
"Failed to build driver r750 for default boot kernel 4.8.7-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64"

Anyone know how to move forward?

@Richneerd First off welcome to the Rockstor community.

Looks like you have already found our now old thread on this card, linking for context:

Again as in that thread I think @bkelly is likely to be the most informed on this matter.

I’m curios where you got this impression as there is very little evidence on the forum of this, that I’ve seen anyway. Personally I think it’s always best to use hardware that is up streamed properly in the kernel driver wise and fully open source / GNU licences, otherwise this sort of thing is much more likely to happen.

Let’s hope there is still support or maybe others more up on hardware can chip in with their success on similarly capable hardware that is properly supported driver wise. It is a far from optimal arrangement if one has to install drivers manually, and for me essentially rights off that hardware.

Hopefully this thread will yield some fresh, more up to date information on this or alternative hardware.

I reached out to some users who purchased from 45drives, they have older rockstor os to keep using their rocket 750’s.

Can I download an older version somewhere? I want to get this project going as soon as possible.


Well, since I had to finish the project, I went ahead and installed Windows. Windows was able to detect the Rocket 750, see all 16 drives and make the array with Windows Storage Spaces in RAID0.

Thanks all!