Unknown USB bridge [0x0781:0x5581 (0x100)] Problem

I installed rockstor to usb stick(sandisk cz48).
When I want to install rock-on, it always show this error.
Could sameone help me?
Thanks in advance

@lightwing Welcome to the Rockstor community.

I’m not clear on when or how this message is displayed, could you do a screen shot or provide more information on the steps that lead to this message. Thanks.

I have only seen this myself in logs and relating to SMART information retrieval, but not related to rock-on function, hence my question.

sorry, it’s in logs.
[24/Aug/2016 12:21:19] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:21:23] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:21:24] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:21:33] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:21:38] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:21:39] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:21:48] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:21:53] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:21:54] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:22:04] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:22:08] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:22:09] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:22:19] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:22:20] ERROR [storageadmin.views.disk:228] Error running a command. cmd = [’/usr/sbin/smartctl’, ‘–info’, ‘/dev/sdc’]. rc = 1. stdout = [‘smartctl 6.2 2013-07-26 r3841 [x86_64-linux-4.6.0-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64] (local build)’, ‘Copyright © 2002-13, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, ‘, ‘’, ‘/dev/sdc: Unknown USB bridge [0x0781:0x5581 (0x100)]’, ‘Please specify device type with the -d option.’, ‘’, ‘Use smartctl -h to get a usage summary’, ‘’, ‘’]. stderr = [’’]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/views/disk.py”, line 226, in _update_disk_state
do.name, do.smart_options)
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/system/smart.py”, line 311, in available
[SMART, ‘–info’] + get_dev_options(device, custom_options))
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/system/osi.py”, line 98, in run_command
raise CommandException(cmd, out, err, rc)
CommandException: Error running a command. cmd = [’/usr/sbin/smartctl’, ‘–info’, ‘/dev/sdc’]. rc = 1. stdout = [‘smartctl 6.2 2013-07-26 r3841 [x86_64-linux-4.6.0-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64] (local build)’, ‘Copyright © 2002-13, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, ‘, ‘’, ‘/dev/sdc: Unknown USB bridge [0x0781:0x5581 (0x100)]’, ‘Please specify device type with the -d option.’, ‘’, ‘Use smartctl -h to get a usage summary’, ‘’, ‘’]. stderr = [’’]
[24/Aug/2016 12:22:23] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:22:24] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon:84] Rockon(Syncthing) is in pending state
[24/Aug/2016 12:22:32] DEBUG [storageadmin.views.rockon_helpers:127] exception while installing the Rockon(25)
[24/Aug/2016 12:22:32] ERROR [storageadmin.views.rockon_helpers:128] Error running a command. cmd = [’/usr/bin/docker’, ‘run’, ‘–log-driver=syslog’, ‘-d’, ‘–restart=unless-stopped’, ‘–name’, ‘syncthing’, ‘-v’, ‘/mnt2/data300:/home/syncthing/Sync’, ‘-v’, ‘/mnt2/onscofigs:/home/syncthing/.config/syncthing’, ‘-v’, ‘/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro’, ‘-p’, ‘21027:21027/udp’, ‘-p’, ‘22000:22000/tcp’, ‘-p’, ‘8384:8384/tcp’, ‘istepanov/syncthing’]. rc = 1. stdout = [’’]. stderr = [“Unable to find image ‘istepanov/syncthing:latest’ locally”, ‘latest: Pulling from istepanov/syncthing’, ‘17bd2058e0c6: Pulling fs layer’, ‘3f0d3d140ce1: Pulling fs layer’, ‘c28cbef85c39: Pulling fs layer’, ‘0d3e866c82f3: Pulling fs layer’, ‘13598900855e: Pulling fs layer’, ‘cf1a1b59084c: Pulling fs layer’, ‘e6bedb5a969f: Pulling fs layer’, ‘a7d219e5a690: Pulling fs layer’, ‘82741c0d3ce7: Pulling fs layer’, ‘b55606bc8804: Pulling fs layer’, ‘567f0a015228: Pulling fs layer’, ‘d3d156e66833: Pulling fs layer’, ‘6ffc4d09c455: Pulling fs layer’, ‘cdb3e89d9653: Pulling fs layer’, ‘efe97f6f3be6: Pulling fs layer’, ‘82319fadddab: Pulling fs layer’, ‘ff5fcd382a02: Pulling fs layer’, ‘9c715196cdfb: Pulling fs layer’, ‘3f849b036238: Pulling fs layer’, ‘c99d7553c500: Pulling fs layer’, ‘93abade714a6: Pulling fs layer’, ‘5393edc02193: Pulling fs layer’, ‘10fb4ac7eb7f: Pulling fs layer’, ‘87275089567d: Pulling fs layer’, ‘b69a5501dc4d: Pulling fs layer’, ‘d3d156e66833: Verifying Checksum’, ‘d3d156e66833: Download complete’, ‘c28cbef85c39: Verifying Checksum’, ‘b69a5501dc4d: Verifying Checksum’, ‘b69a5501dc4d: Download complete’, ‘c99d7553c500: Verifying Checksum’, ‘c99d7553c500: Download complete’, ‘ff5fcd382a02: Verifying Checksum’, ‘ff5fcd382a02: Download complete’, ‘3f0d3d140ce1: Verifying Checksum’, ‘3f0d3d140ce1: Download complete’, ‘efe97f6f3be6: Verifying Checksum’, ‘efe97f6f3be6: Download complete’, ‘93abade714a6: Verifying Checksum’, ‘5393edc02193: Verifying Checksum’, ‘13598900855e: Verifying Checksum’, ‘cdb3e89d9653: Verifying Checksum’, ‘cdb3e89d9653: Download complete’, ‘6ffc4d09c455: Verifying Checksum’, ‘6ffc4d09c455: Download complete’, ‘87275089567d: Verifying Checksum’, ‘82319fadddab: Verifying Checksum’, ‘567f0a015228: Verifying Checksum’, ‘3f849b036238: Verifying Checksum’, ‘17bd2058e0c6: Verifying Checksum’, ‘17bd2058e0c6: Download complete’, ‘17bd2058e0c6: Pull complete’, ‘3f0d3d140ce1: Pull complete’, ‘Pulling repository docker.io/istepanov/syncthing’, ‘Tag latest not found in repository docker.io/istepanov/syncthing’, ‘’]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/views/rockon_helpers.py”, line 125, in install
globals().get(’%s_install’ % rockon.name.lower(), generic_install)(rockon)
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/views/rockon_helpers.py”, line 216, in generic_install
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/system/osi.py”, line 98, in run_command
raise CommandException(cmd, out, err, rc)
CommandException: Error running a command. cmd = [’/usr/bin/docker’, ‘run’, ‘–log-driver=syslog’, ‘-d’, ‘–restart=unless-stopped’, ‘–name’, ‘syncthing’, ‘-v’, ‘/mnt2/data300:/home/syncthing/Sync’, ‘-v’, ‘/mnt2/onscofigs:/home/syncthing/.config/syncthing’, ‘-v’, ‘/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro’, ‘-p’, ‘21027:21027/udp’, ‘-p’, ‘22000:22000/tcp’, ‘-p’, ‘8384:8384/tcp’, ‘istepanov/syncthing’]. rc = 1. stdout = [’’]. stderr = [“Unable to find image ‘istepanov/syncthing:latest’ locally”, ‘latest: Pulling from istepanov/syncthing’, ‘17bd2058e0c6: Pulling fs layer’, ‘3f0d3d140ce1: Pulling fs layer’, ‘c28cbef85c39: Pulling fs layer’, ‘0d3e866c82f3: Pulling fs layer’, ‘13598900855e: Pulling fs layer’, ‘cf1a1b59084c: Pulling fs layer’, ‘e6bedb5a969f: Pulling fs layer’, ‘a7d219e5a690: Pulling fs layer’, ‘82741c0d3ce7: Pulling fs layer’, ‘b55606bc8804: Pulling fs layer’, ‘567f0a015228: Pulling fs layer’, ‘d3d156e66833: Pulling fs layer’, ‘6ffc4d09c455: Pulling fs layer’, ‘cdb3e89d9653: Pulling fs layer’, ‘efe97f6f3be6: Pulling fs layer’, ‘82319fadddab: Pulling fs layer’, ‘ff5fcd382a02: Pulling fs layer’, ‘9c715196cdfb: Pulling fs layer’, ‘3f849b036238: Pulling fs layer’, ‘c99d7553c500: Pulling fs layer’, ‘93abade714a6: Pulling fs layer’, ‘5393edc02193: Pulling fs layer’, ‘10fb4ac7eb7f: Pulling fs layer’, ‘87275089567d: Pulling fs layer’, ‘b69a5501dc4d: Pulling fs layer’, ‘d3d156e66833: Verifying Checksum’, ‘d3d156e66833: Download complete’, ‘c28cbef85c39: Verifying Checksum’, ‘b69a5501dc4d: Verifying Checksum’, ‘b69a5501dc4d: Download complete’, ‘c99d7553c500: Verifying Checksum’, ‘c99d7553c500: Download complete’, ‘ff5fcd382a02: Verifying Checksum’, ‘ff5fcd382a02: Download complete’, ‘3f0d3d140ce1: Verifying Checksum’, ‘3f0d3d140ce1: Download complete’, ‘efe97f6f3be6: Verifying Checksum’, ‘efe97f6f3be6: Download complete’, ‘93abade714a6: Verifying Checksum’, ‘5393edc02193: Verifying Checksum’, ‘13598900855e: Verifying Checksum’, ‘cdb3e89d9653: Verifying Checksum’, ‘cdb3e89d9653: Download complete’, ‘6ffc4d09c455: Verifying Checksum’, ‘6ffc4d09c455: Download complete’, ‘87275089567d: Verifying Checksum’, ‘82319fadddab: Verifying Checksum’, ‘567f0a015228: Verifying Checksum’, ‘3f849b036238: Verifying Checksum’, ‘17bd2058e0c6: Verifying Checksum’, ‘17bd2058e0c6: Download complete’, ‘17bd2058e0c6: Pull complete’, ‘3f0d3d140ce1: Pull complete’, ‘Pulling repository docker.io/istepanov/syncthing’, ‘Tag latest not found in repository docker.io/istepanov/syncthing’, ‘’]
[24/Aug/2016 12:23:23] ERROR [storageadmin.views.disk:228] Error running a command. cmd = [’/usr/sbin/smartctl’, ‘–info’, ‘/dev/sdc’]. rc = 1. stdout = [‘smartctl 6.2 2013-07-26 r3841 [x86_64-linux-4.6.0-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64] (local build)’, ‘Copyright © 2002-13, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, ‘, ‘’, ‘/dev/sdc: Unknown USB bridge [0x0781:0x5581 (0x100)]’, ‘Please specify device type with the -d option.’, ‘’, ‘Use smartctl -h to get a usage summary’, ‘’, ‘’]. stderr = [’’]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/views/disk.py”, line 226, in _update_disk_state
do.name, do.smart_options)
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/system/smart.py”, line 311, in available
[SMART, ‘–info’] + get_dev_options(device, custom_options))
File “/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/system/osi.py”, line 98, in run_command
raise CommandException(cmd, out, err, rc)
CommandException: Error running a command. cmd = [’/usr/sbin/smartctl’, ‘–info’, ‘/dev/sdc’]. rc = 1. stdout = [‘smartctl 6.2 2013-07-26 r3841 [x86_64-linux-4.6.0-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64] (local build)’, ‘Copyright © 2002-13, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, ‘, ‘’, ‘/dev/sdc: Unknown USB bridge [0x0781:0x5581 (0x100)]’, ‘Please specify device type with the -d option.’, ‘’, ‘Use smartctl -h to get a usage summary’, ‘’, ‘’]. stderr = [’’]

@lightwing OK, this is what I suspected.

There is no harm in this message bar the log spamming. Rockstor pools devices to determine their smart enabled / available status. In your case smartctl is not automatically able to assess the USB bridge for the SanDisk Ultra USB 3.0 devices (from the 0x0781:0x5581 id).
You may well be able to stop these messages by adding a custom smart parameter of “-d scsi” or “-d sat” to the device in question via the last column in the table on the Disks page (via the pen icon). But note this will note necessarily give full smart function as the device is most probably not able in this regard, but at least you will have less log spam as the bridge will be assumed to be scsi or sat compliant rather than failing the auto method.

Hope that helps.

By the way this is unrelated to the docker / rock-on function as it’s just a background pole.

1 Like

Thanks for your help.

But I cannot install rock-ons.
Could you help me to find out the reason?