Updated Unifi Rock-on

I’m reading about how to properly try to get this updated in the repository still, but thought I’d post it here in the meantime for anyone who might find it useful. I was personally having issues getting the current rock-on running.

Difference is using the linuxserver.io docker for unifi, adding the ports for speedtest and UBNT discovery, updating the volume mapping and adding UID and GID.

    "Ubiquiti Unifi": {
        "containers": {
            "unifi": {
                "image": "linuxserver/unifi",
                "launch_order": 1,
                "ports": {
                    "8080": {
                        "description": "Port for UAP to inform controller (HTTP redirect for WebUI). Suggested default: 8080",
                        "host_default": 8080,
                        "label": "Redirect to WebUI",
                        "protocol": "tcp",
                        "ui": true
                    "8443": {
                        "description": "Port for WebUI and API. Suggested default: 8443",
                        "host_default": 8443,
                        "label": "HTTPS WebUI",
                        "protocol": "tcp",
                        "ui": false
                    "8081": {
                        "description": "Management Port. Suggested default: 8081",
                        "host_default": 8081,
                        "label": "Management Port",
                        "protocol": "tcp",
                        "ui": false
                    "8880": {
                        "description": "Redirect to Portal. Suggested default: 8880",
                        "host_default": 8880,
                        "label": "Redirect to Portal",
                        "protocol": "tcp",
                        "ui": false
                    "8843": {
                        "description": "portal redirect port for HTTPs. Suggested default: 8843",
                        "host_default": 8843,
                        "label": "HTTPS Portal",
                        "protocol": "tcp",
                        "ui": false
                    "3478": {
                        "description": "STUN Port. Suggested default: 3478",
                        "host_default": 3478,
                        "label": "STUN Port",
                        "protocol": "udp",
                        "ui": false
                    "6790": {
                        "description": "Speed Test. Suggested default: 6790",
                        "host_default": 6790,
                        "label": "Speed Test",
                        "protocol": "tcp",
                        "ui": false
                    "10001": {
                        "description": "UBNT Discovery. Suggest default 10001",
                        "host_default": 10001,
                        "label": "UBNT Discovery",
                        "protocol": "udp",
                        "ui": false

                "volumes": {
                    "/config": {
                        "description": "Choose a Share for Unifi Controller configuration. Eg: create a Share called unifi-config for this purpose alone.",
                        "label": "Config Storage"
				"environment": {
                    "PUID": {
						"description": "Enter a valid UID to run Unifi as. It must have full permissions to all Shares mapped in the previous step.",
                        "label": "UID to run Unifi as.",
                        "index": 1
                    "PGID": {
                        "description": "Enter a valid GID to use along with the above UID. It(or the above UID) must have full permissions to all Shares mapped in the previous step.",
                        "label": "GID to run Unifi as.",
                        "index": 2
        "description": "Unifi Access Point controller",
        "more_info": "This is a containerized version of Ubiquiti Network's Unifi Controller.",
        "volume_add_support": false,
        "ui": {
            "slug": ""
        "website": "https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/unifi/",
        "version": "latest"
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