V4.5+ Testing Channel Changelog


Released in Testing Channel updates on 25th January 2023.

Our third Stable Release Candidate

I’ll keep this release announcement short as I know there are folks in need of these fixes:

So 4.5.5-0 (RC2) had the disappointing but deep failure on config-upload. Bit of a show-stopper that one; but no matter as it’s fixed now in this next release. Thanks to the rapid and rabid work of our intrepid forum admin @Flox and newly active forum member @aremiaskfa. Thanks to you both for jumping on this one and getting us out of that little corner. This also makes @aremiaskfa our first of two new contributors. See also @stitch10925 who stitched up a hole we had in our local Rock-ons repo where we basically took on all files, without even filtering for .json: oh well; again it’s sorted now !!

Thanks and welcome

We had another good run on the feedback leading up to this latest 4.5.6-0 release. Thanks as always to @Flox, a key member of the core contributors, saving the day (release) yet again. And to our two new contributors @stitch10925, and @aremiaskfa. We also have the ongoing reports of confirmations and code maufunctioning from among others @Mark93.

Changelog summary:

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.

Enjoy and report.