Warning dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timout scripts

@rbtfrog Hello again.

You issue is very likely related to our now ancient installer, inherited from an old version of CentOS, not coping with the slightly odd (back then) target of the micro SD card. Or in an additional thread you commented on, an nvme device. You might find it works just fine if you change out your target system drive.

Hopefully our newer ‘Built on openSUSE’ installer, once released, should help here. You could try our early adopters testing channel rpms approach, referenced again here for convenience. At least until we get our new installer ready for release.

I’ve noted your forum bio and you indicate a long standing linux knowledge so this approach should be relatively straight forward, as long as you read all the followup posts in the following thread and those it references:

All a bit in flux currently as we work towards a re-launch of sorts.

Hope that helps.

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