@upapi_rockstor Thanks for the other browser tests.
I believe they are all now based on webkit so essentially the same browser base as chrome.
@Bazza Thanks for the nice system report.
Yes, no worries their. The updating of redhat-release and other os version indicators was never really maintained. We are to leave these alone in our comming openSUSE bases as it just caused incompatibilities when folks tried to compile/install stuff and unsurprisingly that stuff new nothing of “rockstor 3” etc.
Your Firefox report is currently an anomaly but is a new shiny version so that may be triggering something that looks pretty similar.
Try closing all browsers accessing your Rockstor box, reboot the rockstor box, then re-try with your version of Firefox.
@Warbucks Re:
Yes this is my experience on an openSUSE desktop system.
Yes, upon first visiting the Dashboard it does some yum / package checks and these often peak and then sustain a partial load on CPU but should then die off. 1% on moderate CPU cores is common for data-collector. But client CPU is hit pretty hard with our current dashboard.
Thank to all for your reports. I’m still not able to reproduce major slowdowns in Firefox and 3.9.2-49 should be noticeably more responsive than 3.9.2-48 and all for some time before it so any slowdown is most likely this browser python-enginio / gevent incompatibility or possibly quotas being re-enabled by a docker-ce install or the like. Normally only relevant on a re-install though and when then moving to our newer docker-ce from the prior version.
Linking for context to a prior pull request that ended up not being required as python-engineio ended up upgrading again and what problems we saw back then disappeared again. Looks like we may be hitting something similar again. This situation is complicated by our still using Python 2.7 so we do have some technical debt related issues here:
I’ll play with some of these library versions again and if a library pin or 2 works then I can roll out another stable rpm to hopefully get this sorted again.
If anyone else gets around to building from source to play with these library versions then do post here. I’m currently working on Web-UI upgrade within our openSUSE variants to help with moving in that direction but should be finished pretty soon. Their after I’ll have a look myself and if any joy will roll and release another stable rpm. My bet currently is on the same library pinning as was indicated in that pr of mine referenced above. So that’s probably where I’ll start when I’m done with my current task.
Apologies to all for the inconvenience, and the current work around looks to be:
“Use Firefox”,
at least mostly. But yes, almost all other browsers are webkit so we need to get this sorted.
Post here if you end up playing with source builds and newer / older library versions. But note that this should not be done on any production systems as a fresh source build will wipe the central Rockstor db.