Welcome to Rockstor Community

Welcome to Rockstor! This is the community forum of the project, a place of discourse for users and contributors of Rockstor. Whether you just discovered Rockstor and have a question or curious about something, or a new user in need of help or a regular member and contributor in the community, this forum is for you.

You can find topics including various announcements, feature discussions, troubleshooting and share your experience and expertise with others in the community.

There is information about the project such as Quick start, FAQ and much more in Documentation. It is hosted in the rockstor-doc repository and contributions are greatly appreciated.

Source code for Rockstor is hosted on GitHub, rockstor-core being the primary repository. Feel free to comment on a issue or create one to report a bug or request a feature using the issue tracker. Like many other open source communities, our’s is diverse, friendly and enthusiastic. If you are a developer or an aspiring one, don’t hesitate to fork and join the party!

Finally, for information about The Rockstor Project, an Open Collective, and all things bread and butter visit rockstor.com