Help, just went to update and this has appeared. I am not a linux guy, so I need detailed help on a solution. I cannot seem to activate any rockstor functions, but guid loads.
You are running an unsupported kernel(4.2.5-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64). Some features may not work properly. Please reboot and the system will automatically boot using the supported kernel(4.3.3-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64)
Hello @bigace109 please check this post and follow the steps it might help. I had the same issue tried the sudo yum update
and my system was up to date the alret also was gone, performed a reboot from the console and all was fixed.
I tried the sudo yum update and it still did not fix the issue. For now, I think I am fine, was lucky the current beta update matched the kernel I had installed.
It doesnt sound like my issue was very common, could be due to my hardware?