Announcing Rockstor 3.9.0

Hello Everyone!

We just released 3.9.0. This release comes with a lot of changes including new features, enhancements and bug fixes. My personal favourite is all the code quality cleanup work we’ve done. 3.9.0 is brought to you by following contributors: @ansemjo, @chrstphrchvz, @Flyer, @ganti_priya, @phillxnet and myself.

More information about this release can be found in this blog post and the dev log has all the information about the work done to make this release.

As usual, you can download the latest 3.8.16 ISO from the downloads page.

I am looking forward to start working on the next release. Please support us by subscribing to stable updates. Here’s a discount code for first 25 subscribers: ROCKSTOR390. Thanks for being a member of our community!


And for those interested in the checksums I have:

md5sum Rockstor-3.9.0.iso 
7ab2c5fb6374f6d3f663aea7d35c3de4  Rockstor-3.9.0.iso


sha256sum Rockstor-3.9.0.iso 
45e112400650834cc00c08090c2e6e2bbd8d8c607d3680258be8dc456a664284  Rockstor-3.9.0.iso

I have mistakenly attributed a contribution to @phillxnet. Though he’s pretty much involved in every contribution, being a gentleman, he pointed out the mistake. I have correct it now here and on the blog. Sorry for my mistake @chrstphrchvz and thank you for your contribution. Great to have another code contributor!