When I try to install Rockstor, I put in my usb drive (and I have tired a CD as well), and after it loads up grub and asks me what I want to do, it starts the installer and the installer says “No device(s) for install found” and my only option is to quit.
What raid hardware is this. Likely you have a controller that is either not exposing it’s drives in a way our installer can see or we are without the required driver. With details of the hardware it would be possible to track down the drive that may not be loaded by default. Or there may be a kernel option to specify a mode that it needs in order to be seen. I’ve seen something similar with some older raid controllers.
Another option, if the installer can’t see the intended system drive but the installed instance can (without doing a custom installer build of course) would be to attache a drive that can be seen. Just by way of a work around.
So as much hardware info as you can as that will help others here on the forum advise if they have familiarity.
Again as in you prior post, there is also the option to try retrofitting a Rockstor install on-top of a generic openSUSE Leap 15.2 or 15.3 install.
Also can you state, as request previously, if you tried both installers. There are options based on leap 15.2 or 15.3, with the latter preferred. But getting you off the ground is the main thing here.
When I say I tried the installers, I only tried the newest, 15.3. I tried to install it via USB and CDROM (because the error provided isn’t super helpful … either it can’t find itself to install the stuff or it can’t find the drive it needs to install itself on). I did try doing
insmode=ide-generic in the build before I ran it, this didn’t help.