Disk attributes - missing?

Under the disk view, if I click on a physical disk (such as sdb), I am taken to a page with lots of tabs. None of these tabs have any content on them. I guess this feature is planned for the future - or do I have a problem? Thanks.

@roweryan You need to press the “Refresh” button in the top right corner. Hopefully that should sort your display. Not sure if it’s a bug or intended function. Does seem like it could be improved from a user perspective though. Maybe if no readings are found to be stored when this view is requested then we auto press the Refresh button. What do you think?
Let us know if it worked for you; there are other know bugs in smart data presentation in certain situations but hopefully you wont run into them. The smart subsystem is due for a little attention and there is an open issue and some collected fail cases from @KarstenV who helped with this a while back in a forum post so ripe for some attention.

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Aha! It worked! Maybe the refresh could be triggered when enabling SMART on a disk for the first time.

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