Error Messages with zypper refresh

Using the Rockstor leap 15.3 4.0.9-0 install. After install when I run the zypper refresh I’m getting a error for login.
Login failded. ( The requested URL returned error: 401 Unauthorized.

Any suggestions?

@Lambrd Welcome to the Rockstor community.

Yes, of late openSUSE have been having a few issues with their repositories. This looks like another instance of that. Let’s give it some time and see.

Let us know if this continues. These repositories are open so there is no authentication as such but as seen if you visit that url it’s currently a 404. I’m guessing there is a missing redirect or the like.

To confirm, I’m assuming you are seeing this with the pre-build installers available on our new downloads page?

Thanks for the report and we definitely need to keep an eye on things as the Leap < 15.2 / Jump / Leap >= 15.3 binary compatibility move with SuSE SLES has involved some repo changes and likely some increased traffic.

In testing a “zypper refresh” here just now on a similar build I’m getting very slow download rates and an apparent hang on:

Retrieving repository 'Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15' metadata --/.../---[-]

But is did eventually complete without error after about 15 minutes.
But from:

less /var/log/zypper.log

we have:

2021-11-12 09:49:01 <1> rleap15-3(13402) [zypp++] Proxy: not explicitly set
2021-11-12 09:49:01 <1> rleap15-3(13402) [zypp++] Proxy: libcurl may look into the environment
2021-11-12 09:49:01 <1> rleap15-3(13402) [zypp] assert_file_mode 00600 /var/lib/YaST2/cookieschmod /var/lib/YaST2/cookies 00600
2021-11-12 10:06:14 <5> rleap15-3(13402) [zypp] THROW:    Timeout exceeded when accessing ''.
2021-11-12 10:06:14 <1> rleap15-3(13402) [zypp++] Request to release media - not attached; eject ''
2021-11-12 10:06:14 <1> rleap15-3(13402) [zypp++] MediaHandler - checking if to remove attach point
2021-11-12 10:06:14 <1> rleap15-3(13402) [zypp] hardlinkCopy /var/tmp/AP_0xx69j4z/repodata/ -> /var/cache/zypp/MultiCurl.failed
2021-11-12 10:06:14 <1> rleap15-3(13402) [zypp++] ./repodata/ff727051a1a0f0e3d405d41b9b01aef18efdf77909461f0889728c4260b726a8-primary.xml.gz
2021-11-12 10:06:14 <1> rleap15-3(13402) [zypp++] URL:
2021-11-12 10:06:14 <1> rleap15-3(13402) [zypp++] redirecting to Location:
2021-11-12 10:06:22 <1> rleap15-3(13402) [zypp] rename /var/tmp/AP_0xx69j4z/repodata/ -> /var/tmp/AP_0xx69j4z/repodata/ff727051a1a0f0e3d405d41b9b01aef18efdf77909461f0889728c4260b726a8-primary.xml.gz
2021-11-12 10:06:22 <1> rleap15-3(13402) [zypp++] done: /var/tmp/AP_0xx69j4z/repodata/ff727051a1a0f0e3d405d41b9b01aef18efdf77909461f0889728c4260b726a8-primary.xml.gz{- 0644 0/0 size 38048442}
2021-11-12 10:06:22 <1> rleap15-3(13402) [zypp++] provideFile(./repodata/ff727051a1a0f0e3d405d41b9b01aef18efdf77909461f0889728c4260b726a8-primary.xml.gz)
2021-11-12 10:06:22 <1> rleap15-3(13402) [zypp++] checkDesired(21): desired (cached)

Which looks like a fail through of some sort.

So I’m assuming currently this is an upstream issue with regard to their mirrors and such. We have seen a spat recently of seemingly constant out-of-date metadata, so it may be that are undergoing some repo changes.

Hope that helps and do keep an eye on this. It’s unlikely we will have to change our repo arrangement as it’s copied directly from a regular Leap install bar our own additions and use of upstream packages to avoid the branded openSUSE packages.


OK so a quick follow up:

On a fresh 4.0.9-0 install from the new downloads page we have:

installer:~ #         zypper refresh
Retrieving repository 'Leap_15_3' metadata ..........................................................................................................[done]
Building repository 'Leap_15_3' cache ...............................................................................................................[done]
Retrieving repository 'Leap_15_3_Updates' metadata ..................................................................................................[done]
Building repository 'Leap_15_3_Updates' cache .......................................................................................................[done]
Repository 'home_rockstor' is up to date.                                                                                                                  
Repository 'home_rockstor_branches_Base_System' is up to date.                                                                                             
Retrieving repository 'Update repository of openSUSE Backports' metadata ............................................................................[done]
Building repository 'Update repository of openSUSE Backports' cache .................................................................................[done]
Retrieving repository 'Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15' metadata .......................................................[done]
Building repository 'Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15' cache ............................................................[done]
All repositories have been refreshed.

With no long delays this time.

And to account for some repo ‘updates’ there after, post reboot we have:

installer:~ # zypper refresh
Repository 'Leap_15_3' is up to date.                                                                                                                      
Repository 'Leap_15_3_Updates' is up to date.                                                                                                              
Repository 'home_rockstor' is up to date.                                                                                                                  
Repository 'home_rockstor_branches_Base_System' is up to date.                                                                                             
Repository 'Update repository of openSUSE Backports' is up to date.                                                                                        
Repository 'Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15' is up to date.                                                                   
All repositories have been refreshed.

Hope that helps at least as a reference from a fresh install of an official build install instance.