Error running a command. cmd cmd = ['/sbin/btrfs', 'filesystem', 'show', '/dev/disk/by-id/sda3']. rc = 1. stdout = ['']. stderr = ['']

@kyle_williams Welcome to Rockstor.
The errror you have encountered is Rockstor’s current inelegance with dealing with drives with no serial:
It is a pending issue with the documentation:
That rockstor requires drives to have serial number as without them they cannot be reliable tracked. Still an inelegance here but this only happens with system drives having no serial. If the same is found in data drives there is a big red warning but I’m afraid I overlooked system drives having no serial.

Fix is to assign a unique serial to that and all other Rockstor drives.

Please also see:


Referenced in the sighted GitHub issue.

I have added this thread to the same issue so that it might be updated accordingly.

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