@dison4linux Welcome to the Rockstor community.
I’m assuming from your more recent post that you have already figured this one out but just in case I’m pretty sure this is down to your drives having no serial numbers, ie akin to @Christopher_Nicol recent report, linking to my reply there:
Usually we would show a big red warning and explanation against the affected drives on the Disk page but it seems when it’s the system drive we are a little less elegant.
Sorry that’s a bug I introduced by just not accounting for the system drive having no serial.
Try adding / passing serials through on your hyper visor / VM manager and see how you go.
Thanks for the report, as a result I have opened an issue in the rockstor-doc repo explaining this pre-requisite:
For an explanation of why we require serial numbers there is a technical manual entry in our Wiki area of this forum entitled Device management in Rockstor with a subtitle of “Rockstor’s Serial Obsession”
Hope that helps.