Attempted to resize a share and got an error message
Detailed step by step instructions to reproduce the problem
Logged into Rockstore
Went to Rock-Ons and turned off my Emby Server
Clicked “Shares” on the left hand vertical menu
Clicked on the “Emby” name
Usage for “Emby” came up
Clicked button marked “Resize”
Current size is 5GB
Entered 20GB in the field maked “new size”
Clicked button marked “save”
Error appears
You can check under the Pools Page, there is a column about the quotas, and under the Shares page you can also see whether quotas are enabled for a given share.
On the Pool Page quotas were enabled. Thanks to you telling me where to look, I have disabled the quotas for now. As I understand quotas, turning it off will allow the share to grow beyond the originally designated size (should they need to) and, considering WHY I was looking to resize
turning it off will give me flexibility and time to determine what to do next
On a side note - turning off the quota allowed me to resize. So, I think I just fixed my own problem
Yes, that is correct about turning off quotas. However, at this time Rockstor does not enforce quotas when they are turned on, as historically there have been issues with it in the btrfs upstream. In one of the future Rockstor release the enforcement will likely be turned on again.
The error you received during resizing while quotas are on is something that is likely addressed in one of the later test channel updates, soon to be become the next stable release.
For now, having quotas on, you essentially just receive a warning about overconsumption of a given quota.