Get() returned more than one RockOn -- it returned 2!

Glad it worked for you in the end.

@Hooverdan is correct: i really would like to understand how you could 2 of such instances to begin with but I’m afraid this is something we won’t be able to figure out. What we can do is make the whole Rock-On framework more robust and resilient to such abnormalities.

We do have such plans and have had great feedback from users here on what to do so we’ll have plenty to consider. This won’t be in the immediate future, however, but it clearly important to consider for the medium term in my opinion.

Thanks again for your reports and follow-ups, and most of all for your understanding.



sorry for my late answer.

@Flox , result of the command:

aymen@mynas:~> psql -U rocky -d storageadmin -c "SELECT * FROM storageadmin_dconta                                          iner WHERE rockon_id IN (109,110);"
Password for user rocky:
 id  | rockon_id | dimage_id |       name        | launch_order | uid
 123 |       110 |       111 | calibre-vnc.local |            1 |
(1 row)

After updating the script (wget), I was able to delete the 2 rockons entry:

mynas:/opt/rockstor # poetry run delete-rockon Calibre.local
The metadata for the Rock-On named Calibre.local (id: 110) has been deleted from the database
The metadata for the Rock-On named Calibre.local (id: 109) has been deleted from the database

Rock-ons list was successfully updated via webui also using the “Update” button.

Thanks to all for your help!!!


Hi @aymenSo,
Thanks a lot for testing and confirming it resolved the issue for you as well!

For reference, a pull-request has now been submitted:

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Brief update:
The pull request linked above was merged today. This change should thus be available in our next Testing channel RPM.