Getting error when trying to scan for HDD

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Brief description of the problem

was just trying to get some disks to populate on the disks page. I’m thinking
it has to do with the only way i seem to be able to get rockstor to install on this computer which is to install the os to a usb drive if i try installing it to the internal hdd it errors out with not being able to find ROOT after it does the image copy.

Detailed step by step instructions to reproduce the problem

[write here]

Web-UI screenshot

[Drag and drop the image here]

Error Traceback provided on the Web-UI

![image|690x456](upload://ZdpYNLOaG9M8HUSQiiyyOrYNoJ.png) ![Untitled|690x443](upload://da43NNs89shDIIdPhdQjE6ewS7R.png)

@bkirk82 welcome to the Rockstor community.

I adjusted your user status, so you can post a bit more freely. Usually, installing the OS to a USB is possibly, however that USB drive/stick has to be sufficiently fast. One other challenge can be on how the drives are connected. As you peruse the documentation and the forum you will find references to challenges for certain controllers, if a drive’s UUID is not unique (or faked).

Can you expand a bit more on what hardware you’re trying to install on?
Finally, some time, depending on whether these hard drives have a different file system on them, it’s better to wipe them using tools as described here, ensuring that the entire disk is wiped.

If you have disks with a pre-existing btrfs on it (RAIDx or singles), then we would have to see what the problems might with those.