Invalid environment variable (PAPERLESS_ADMIN_USER).

Brief description of the problem

Unable to install Paperless-ngx rockon

Detailed step by step instructions to reproduce the problem

  1. Create requisite shares
  2. Run paperless ngx rockon installer. After providing all data for the installer, installation ostensibly begins, them abruptly fails with the terse message regarding the PAPERLESS_ADMIN_USER var.

I have attempted this install multiple times, using various admin credentials, newly created shares, etc. Same result every time, and the only log entry I can find regarding the problem is the text of the displayed dialog box. I have yet to try recreating my rockon-root share, considering that I have numerous rockons currently running flawlessly.

Web-UI screenshot

[Drag and drop the image here]

Error Traceback provided on the Web-UI

NoneType: None

@jebutler welcome to the Rockstor community.

Not that it will likely matter all that much, but which version of Rockstor are you currently running?

5.0.9-0 on an HP Gen8 Microserver.

Ah, I stand corrected, the Rockstor version was relevant here.

I believe, there was an issue observed and reported #1588 when using multi-container Rockons and it was was fixed with this #2887 and incorporated into 5.0.14-0. In order to use the this Rockon you could perform another upgrade to the latest 5.0.15-0. That should address your symptom.

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Ah, Excellent. Thanks for the tip, Dan. I’ll let you know how that turns out. I ran across those issues in my research, but somehow ignored the version number the fix was in.

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OK. Updated to 5.0.15, and then the “nonetype” error went away. Paperless install was now quietly failing – that is – it appeared to be running to completion, but was in fact a no-op. A perusal of the logs indicated that docker was trying to kill the paperless container before proceeding … except there was no paperless container! It seemed that previous failed install attempts had left the paperless rockon in an undefined state. So I deleted all the shares I had previously created for paperless, recreated them, and ran the installer again. All is right with the world now.

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction, Dan.
