Okay, old man "System Shell" commands

Can we get a list of what commands are available when using the Rockstor “System Shell” and logged is as admin? Seems we can’t log in as ROOT, just the ADMIN thingy.

The reason I ask, is I can type “lsblk” and get a list of disks assigned easy, but I type “myip” or many other commands and it gets Bashed! (pun intended)


actually, you can elevate your prompt in the system shell. If you type:

su -

and then use your root password, you should be able to execute all of those “root” only commands.


Um, that is very nice, but I would really like a list of all commands I can use without elevated authority for now…

I have the feeling it may be as large and complicated as a Linux dictionary…

Just kinda searching for some things to use when I start my next round of testing. No big deal if not available.


I think in general, most non-root user commands can be found in the
/usr/bin directory (so ls -la /usr/bin/*)

vs. the exclusively root user commands would be under /usr/sbin

Apparently, it’s not always consistent, but seems to be a good guideline for distinguishing.

Somewhere I found a note on the history of this (whether that’s entirely true or not, I can’t say):



NICE history lesson! I had forgotten a lot of that!

I remember the days of punched paper tape and PDP-8’s controlling test bays and such… Then the PDP-11’s and VAX systems… sheesh! I thought the invention of 5.25" floppies was a miracle as was the Seagate St-506 !!!


Man… I’m old.

Thanks for the info, I see there are hundreds (?) of commands and such available, way more than I need but about what I expected!!!


(I remember when I thought 64K if 2114 static memory and a Z80 was great! OMG I am old!!! LOL! )


@Tex1954 Re:

Blast from the past - I’m pretty sure I had the 10 MB version!!! ST-412. One could feel the thing running through the floor. Had quite a few new fangled RLL drives after that, a little larger, capacity wise, as time went on!!! Incidentally, for the young ones out there; that ‘MB’ reference really is MB. Could cram quite a few DOS programs on such a thing.

In deed - 1K chess anyone (Sinclair ZX81, Z80 CPU). I had the 16K ‘expansion’ module myself !!!
Probably time I took a nap :slight_smile: .

It was a miracle: them there 8" floppies looked crazy large. But luckily my ‘floppy’ time started around normal/single density 40 track 5 1/4". 100 KB per side!! BBC micro.

But note that I’m hoping to add a tape capable back-up Rock-on to Rockstor soon: but not the audio type :). More LTO.

Thanks @Tex1954 I now feel old also!!!