Plex from official image

Saw a reddit post detailing some weirdness with the various plex docker images out there. Thought I would try to make a plex rockon based off of the official plex inc image. I remembered a few threads complaining about linuxserver’s plex saying it was out of date. I have tested the official image and it works fine.

I have a few questions:

  1. What should I name this rock-on?
  2. Is it even ok/good to make two rockons based on different images that do the same thing?
  3. I’m unsure which image / release cadence is better and wanted people’s thoughts.
  4. The official docker requires a timezone to configure which is a bit weird. You have to type like “America/Chicago” for it to work. Is this requirement so annoying that the linuxserver one is better?
  5. Could I make a default timezone to get by this? (unsure how to pass default environment variables in a rockon definition).

Docker for Plexinc: Docker
Out of date plex complaints: Plex Updates (How do I update it )
Here’s the pull request:

(side note/design flaw?: no real way to make a clickable link for an environment variable in rockon file, like to the wiki containing all these timezones. I put it in the info, but there seems to be no way to click or copy/paste anything from the info, it just closes).

Hi @coleberhorst,

It should be mentioned that the Plex container can be updated by simply stopping it and starting it again. This is how I keep mine up to date, and it pulls directly from plex and thus never chooses an out-of-date version on startup.

Beyond that, these are my answers:

  1. I’d suggest plex-official

  2. Yes, you can see in the Rockon registry that multiple Owncloud containers exist.

  3. Always the latest stable.

  4. Inside the container name subkey in the JSON
    you can add another subkey “opts” as a 2 dimensional array.
    In your pull request, from line, This can be seen from lines 6-11.
    I’m not sure if the bash subscript will work here (depends on how Rockstor handles the incoming JSON), but you could try replacing line 10 with:

                         "TZ=$(timedatectl status|grep -oP 'zone:\s+[\w/]+'"
  5. You could, but I wouldn’t.

Hi @coleberhorst,

@Haioken addressed most of your questions but I wanted to add my two cents on a couple of points.

First–and related to your second point–it is ok to make two Rock-ons based on different images of the same project and you’re encouraged to share it with the community if you’d like. The overarching idea is that you felt a limitation in the current offering that motivated you to make your own to answer your needs. If you feel this could benefit other users, and if you are willing to share it with others, then I personally thank you :wink: .

That being said, there may sometimes be another way to address such limitation and improve/correct the existing Rock-on accordingly. In your case, the situation is a little more complex as on one side it seems like the “out-of-date” issue is already addressed in the existing Rock-on through a simple Rock-on restart (have you tried it?). On the other hand, official docker images are usually preferred as their maintenance is more guaranteed, but the images are also well maintained and very popular (especially for a project like Plex). If you’d like to see more “guidelines” on the choice of docker images for Rock-ons, you can read Rockstor’s documentation as well:

I’m sorry for not bringing a clear answer, but in the end, the list of available Rock-ons in the webUI should be kept as little confusing as possible so I encourage you to use the “description” field to this end.

In response to your point #4: I am not a Plex user myself so I’m unsure how this image uses the TZ variable, but note that Rockstor automatically binds the system’s timezone to all containers to help with that so you may not need to define this variable at all. See the related section of Rockstor’s code:

Hope this helps,

Thanks @Flox and @Haioken ! That was a lot of good info.

Passing the system timezone to the -e switch ended up working and I updated my pull request.