Plex Updates (How do I update it )

No Sir, I have always used the rockons plex to install…

I think we need someone else to help explain why you got the wrong image.
@phillxnet Do you know how this could have happened?

I have no idea how this might have happened… I always installed via the rockons

I too am puzzled by how you got a different image for Plex… Maybe you could check the corresponding JSON file to make sure you have the same than the “official” rock-on.

The solution described by @Fredrik still remains to be fully tried, though, as you didn’t start the image previously:

  1. docker pull linuxserver/plex
    I believe you already did that. but just in case I’m wrong.

  2. docker stop plex (I would stop the current “odd” plex container you have as a precaution)

  3. docker start

For curiosity, what did the command docker rmi -f linuxserver/plex returned when you ran it? Did you have any error? If no error, that means you did have the correct image pulled…

@Fredrik and @Flox Hello again.

I can answer this:
On 6th March 2016 a commit was made that changed our Plex Rock-on over from “timhaak/plex” to linuxserver/plex:

And @painkiller895 's command outputs state it was installed 17 months ago so that all looks possible.

Pretty sure the original didn’t auto update where as the linuxserverio one does, although it may only do it once it has a user signed into it.

Hope that helps.

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The “docker pull linuxserver/plex” will not create the container so the start command will not work.
For some reason it does not use the correct .json file for plex server creation.

Could it be that there is a manual plex.json file in the “/opt/rockstor/rockons-metastore/” folder?

o.k. here goes:

[root@RockstorC24 ~]# docker stop plex
[root@RockstorC24 ~]# docker ps
[root@RockstorC24 ~]# docker start
Error response from daemon: no such id:
Error: failed to start containers: []
[root@RockstorC24 ~]#

Now if I type this look what happends
[root@RockstorC24 ~]# docker start plex
[root@RockstorC24 ~]# docker ps
15266288cd30 timhaak/plex “/” 17 months ago Up 7 seconds plex
[root@RockstorC24 ~]#

No error after I issued the command, after that I rebooted the system and I lost my GUI and was not able to connect to rockstor via my web browser.

Can you run this command and list the output?
ls /opt/rockstor/rockons-metastore/

[root@RockstorC24 ~]# ls /opt/rockstor/rockons-metastore/
ls: cannot access /opt/rockstor/rockons-metastore/: No such file or directory
[root@RockstorC24 ~]#

I don’t think the missing UI is related to the command you issued.
Are you on stable or testing version of rockstor?
Can you do this command from SSH and list the output:
yum info rockstor

Thanks, that explains it.

[root@RockstorC24 ~]# yum info rockstor
Loaded plugins: changelog, fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

[root@RockstorC24 ~]#


Check this out, I was able to login today into my system via web browser, nice!
Now I noticed that there are no rockons installed on the system. But plex is up and running on the system. :confused:

Thanks for you help and reply’s…
Hope we can find what happened to the system, I think during an upgrade process the system just didn’t update properly. Just my thought I only use this server for Plex and storage…

Maybe you can tell me how to remove this version of Plex without breaking the system, so I can install the version that’s up to date…

Thanks in advance…

If the rockon is up and running in the background that means something started it.
I would think it was rockstor that did that if you didn’t manually start it.

Try just turning the rockon service off and on again to see if it shows up.
If it does show up do this:

  1. stop and uninstall plex
  2. from the rockons menu click the update button
  3. install plex

Now if you SSH into the box and type: docker ps
You should see that it have the correct image from linuxserver

[root@RockstorC24 ~]# docker images
linuxserver/plex latest 02ca22e928f4 4 days ago 423.6 MB
timhaak/plex latest 539572f5ae06 17 months ago 644.5 MB
[root@RockstorC24 ~]# docker rm plex
Error response from daemon: no such id: plex
Error: failed to remove containers: [plex]
[root@RockstorC24 ~]# docker rm timhaak/plex
Error response from daemon: no such id: timhaak/plex
Error: failed to remove containers: [timhaak/plex]
[root@RockstorC24 ~]# docker rm 539572f5ae06
Error response from daemon: no such id: 539572f5ae06
Error: failed to remove containers: [539572f5ae06]
[root@RockstorC24 ~]#

Tried to remove, a no go…
Other command I should try ???
Where is this image on my system? I tried grep command and nothing I have searched diffrent folder and nothing…

I shut plex off by issuing the command docker stop plex.

[root@RockstorC24 ~]# docker info
Containers: 1
Images: 37
Server Version: 1.9.1
Storage Driver: btrfs
Build Version: Btrfs v3.16.2
Library Version: 101
Execution Driver: native-0.2
Logging Driver: journald
Kernel Version: 4.8.7-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64
Operating System: Rockstor 3 (Core)
CPUs: 8
Total Memory: 11.73 GiB
Name: RockstorC24
WARNING: bridge-nf-call-iptables is disabled
WARNING: bridge-nf-call-ip6tables is disabled
[root@RockstorC24 ~]#

As you can now access the web ui you should try the steps i listed above.

Will try as soon as I get my GUI again, can’t login via web browser again…

[root@RockstorC24 plex-data]# cd …
[root@RockstorC24 mnt2]# cd rock-ons-root
[root@RockstorC24 rock-ons-root]# ls
btrfs graph network tmp volumes
containers linkgraph.db repositories-btrfs trust
[root@RockstorC24 rock-ons-root]# cd containers
[root@RockstorC24 containers]# ls
[root@RockstorC24 containers]# 15266288cd30a42918b5f26a0974beaccdff703cbe9aab1891d4050990ec823c
-bash: 15266288cd30a42918b5f26a0974beaccdff703cbe9aab1891d4050990ec823c: command not found
[root@RockstorC24 containers]# cd 15266288cd30a42918b5f26a0974beaccdff703cbe9aab1891d4050990ec823c
[root@RockstorC24 15266288cd30a42918b5f26a0974beaccdff703cbe9aab1891d4050990ec823c]#
[root@RockstorC24 15266288cd30a42918b5f26a0974beaccdff703cbe9aab1891d4050990ec823c]# ls
config.json hostname mqueue resolv.conf.hash
hostconfig.json hosts resolv.conf shm
[root@RockstorC24 15266288cd30a42918b5f26a0974beaccdff703cbe9aab1891d4050990ec823c]#

backwards now
[root@RockstorC24 containers]# ls
[root@RockstorC24 containers]# cd …
[root@RockstorC24 rock-ons-root]# ls
btrfs graph network tmp volumes
containers linkgraph.db repositories-btrfs trust
[root@RockstorC24 rock-ons-root]# cd…
-bash: cd…: command not found
[root@RockstorC24 rock-ons-root]# cd …
[root@RockstorC24 mnt2]# ls
home plex-config plex-data pool1 rock-ons-root rockstor_rockstor root
[root@RockstorC24 mnt2]#

I want to uninstall what on the system (plex) without breaking or loosing my data…

Seems I found where plex is, What do you think I should do now ?

O.K. here is an update

I got my GUI Back, I stopped the old version of plex via ssh, went to my GUI and installed plex from rock-ons, it’s working on the new version. Now I’m going to reboot to see if the old version takes over the new or to see what happens

Looks like the old version took over again:
[root@RockstorC24 ~]# docker ps
7b1a46e17516 linuxserver/plex “/init” 12 minutes ago Up 32 seconds
15266288cd30 timhaak/plex “/” 17 months ago Up 32 seconds plex
[root@RockstorC24 ~]#
When i connect to the plex server is on the old version.

now I stopped it via ssh:
[root@RockstorC24 ~]# docker plex stop
docker: ‘plex’ is not a docker command.
See ‘docker --help’.
[root@RockstorC24 ~]# docker stop plex
[root@RockstorC24 ~]# docker ps
7b1a46e17516 linuxserver/plex “/init” 16 minutes ago Up 4 minutes
[root@RockstorC24 ~]#

So I stopped it via ssh (old version)
Login to my GUI and shut down plex rockon, restart it and it’s on the new version now. So we have to find a way of deleting the old version which you saw is on the root directory…

So now i’m running an updated version via rockons, but if I reboot it will run the old version… ugh!

did you hit the “update” button in the rockons page before install?

yes I did hit button in the rockons page before install