Problems with Wifi (newbie)

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Brief description of the problem

[Problem to activate wifi]

Detailed step by step instructions to reproduce the problem

[Hi. I new with rockstor and Nas i general. I installed rockstor in a minipc, a beelink bt3 pro. When i tried to turn on wifi, i have the message of error i copied and pasted]

Web-UI screenshot



Error Traceback provided on the Web-UI

[Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/rest_framework_custom/", line 41, in _handle_exception yield File "/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/storageadmin/views/", line 599, in post sysnet.toggle_connection(nco.uuid, switch) File "/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/system/", line 321, in toggle_connection return run_command([NMCLI, "c", switch, uuid]) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/opt/rockstor/src/rockstor/system/", line 290, in run_command raise CommandException(cmd, out, err, rc) system.exceptions.CommandException: Error running a command. cmd = /usr/bin/nmcli c up 255ed5f9-4c9d-4428-a2ea-3f54186c8d8d. rc = 4. stdout = ['']. stderr = ['Error: Connection activation failed: No suitable device found for this connection (device lo not available because profile is not compatible with device (connection type is not "loopback")).', '']


@JavierLacambra welcome to the Rockstor community. How old is the bee-link bt3 pro?
Looking at the bee-link forum I found some entries that wi-fi for Linux does not work reliably due to some wi-fi driver issues. I assume, you have upgraded to the latest BIOS on that device (that seemed to also have been a problem in the past).

It could be that you need to find some vendor-specific Linux drivers that need to be added to the installation so it will work.

Depending on how much “linux” you do in your life, this link might help to get the wi-fi up and running. The procedures should also apply to Rockstor’s linux underpinning (OpenSUSE), but you might have to install things like lsusb

@phillxnet I am not sure why it is looking for a loopback device, but I am also not that familiar with the error messages that nmcli puts out.



No me neither: but it’s worth noting that we have zero wifi support within Rockstor Web-UI wise. If it is configured from the command line, we may present it in a sane manner but I’ve never tried. NAS is best on a wired connection: we assume this and leave the wifi to wifi specialist devices such as routers with it build-in. In time we may entertain this as a capability but it’s a little more involved than it first appears from our perspective. But doable with the human resources: which we don’t currently have.

If anyone is interested in adding wifi awareness to our Web-UI network subsystem then great: but it’s not a priority for us as we assume a DHCP lan (wired) connection is available even during the install itself: i.e. this step in the installer:

Wait for the “Rockstor bootstrapping tasks”: Rockstor’s “Built on openSUSE” installer — Rockstor documentation

So any addition of Wifi capability where that connection is considered canonical would also have to include a wifi config wizard within our Kiwi-ng install itself. But that could be an extra or unsupported option.

So wifi currently is a CLI config optino only currently: and again I’m unsure of what the Web-UI will do with it once the wifi network device is established and visible to NetworkManager.

Hope that helps.



I dont update the Bios, I prefer use in with cable for now. Near i wanna make a little reform for chanche location of nas, in this moment the cable is in middle of the room but is tolerable. I try to work linux drivers later, but first i wanna share the nas, this week i cant for work. Thanks for answers, greetings

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