Seeking Advice on Optimizing Rockstor Performance

Hey everyone,

Ive been using Rockstor for a while now and I am really enjoying its features. However, I am looking to squeeze out a bit more performance from my setup. I am currently running a small home server with 8GB of RAM and business intelligence (BI) tool and a couple of drives, and I have noticed some performance bottlenecks during peak usage. Also I have gone through these resources/articles Slow write speeds over samba - looking for optimisation advice msbi developer roles and responsibilities however, they are quite useful but I want to learn from community.

Do you have any tips or best practices for optimizing Rockstor? Any recommendations on tweaks, configurations, or add-ons that might help? I’m also open to any advice on monitoring tools that can help me keep an eye on system performance.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best Regards

Umm, I have evaluated RockStor on several hardware setups over a 10G Fiber connection. I’ve managed to toast many SSD’s investigating the fastest overall hardware configuration for my uses.

In short, using SAMBA, I was able to achieve about 950 MB/SEC transfer speeds copying huge video files and lots of them! Data showed that the single most limiting factor was HD read/write speeds. I was only able to get those speeds using three 512MB/Sec SSDs in Raid-0 setup. I also fried them in a couple months of playing around.

Cache size made no difference over terabyte sized transfers, nor did system memory size. 8G,16G,or 32G ECC made no difference.

CPU speed made no difference. Hyper-Threading (Intel E3 series based) made no difference.

Raid-10 setup performed as expected according to Raid-0 access speeds.

The ONLY time I see a small difference in speed because of system memory is when Balancing Raid-0 or Raid-10 setups. 32G was best, 16G was also fine, 8G was markedly slower. Both my setups now have 16G ECC Memory installed.

When you ask how to optimize the system, I think you may be actually asking how to optimize OpenSUSE 15.6 itself. On that note, I haven’t a clue. I think they are doing a great job as it is!

If you are wanting faster operation, what part is slow? You want to use SAMBA or NFS or whatever? Is it backups or transfers that are slow?

I’ve been using Rockstor now for years and it’s only gotten better and faster and I use it as a Real-Time storage appliance for my main personal workstation.

If you define precisely and exactly what your needs are, I am sure there would be a lot of help available…

I’m just an old HARDWARE guy and use Rockstor as an active real-time external drive more or less.

Would love to help better with more specific info!!!

Best Regards,
