Upgrade attempt failed, this could be because either #
Mar 19 18:16:13 nas journal: # plex update site is down, local network issues, or #
Mar 19 18:16:13 nas journal: # you were trying to get a version that simply doesn’t #
Mar 19 18:16:13 nas journal: #Â exist, check over the VERSION variable thoroughly & #
Mar 19 18:16:13 nas journal: #Â correct it or try again later. #
Mar 19 18:16:13 nas journal: ###################################
I can download the file manually, so it does exist and the site is not down. Something ist blocking the NAS, i don’t know. I’m running a central ad blocker, which I disabled, but still no luck. Is there a way to workaround this problem?
It looks like a parameter set in the docker container image itself, so my first guess would be to uninstall / re-install the Plex rockon, which should thus pull the newest image that hopefully corrects this download link.
As I mentioned above, I’m not a Plex user myself so I’m unfamiliar with how this image is structured, so somebody else’s input may be preferred (@Hooverdan?). Note that if you choose to go the uninstall, re-install route, you shouldn’t loose any data if you reuse the same rockstor shares during install.
I’m sorry I can’t be of any more precise help, but hopefully someone else more familiar with Plex will know.
The container name "/plex-linuxserver.io" is already in use by container "5c473b7bd514b241d748045a3baede014811851170140b301aac173c19bbd961". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.', "See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.", '']
Ulrich - no the forceful removal of the image was ok. I think you also have to throw away the actual container - you already removed the image of which the container is created.
You should be able to remove the actual container with (you can use the force parameter, or try without first):
As @phillxnet mentioned in a recent post (in a different thread, see below), this unfortunately is a problem that has already been identified and planned on being addressed as soon as possible:
In this situation, the current solution I know is to turn-off your Rock-on service, and then remove your rockons_root share (the share you used to configure to Rock-on service), before reconfiguring it as it was before. The main drawback is that you would have to re-install the rock-on(s) you had installed before, but no data should be lost if you re-use the same shares as before for each rock-on.
Sorry for the short answer; I’m unfortunately quite short on time