This site can't be reached (Solved)

Running update 5.0.12-0 and had to perform a soft shutdown through the gui to move the box.
After a couple of days box rebooted and am getting this error
This site can’t be reached is unreachable.

The router is recognising the ethernet connection.
Before I do anything drastic like a reinstall
Is there anything I need to know?
Is there a known issue?
Have tried multiple refreshes and a couple of box reboots.
Thanks as always.

On another reboot, the router has changed the ip address, when checked on the first reboot, the ip address was the same as before the shutdown.
All is now back to normal, am I going doolally :grimacing:.


Glad you resolved it.
Have you assigned a static IP address to the Rockstor box on your router? Or can that address change (though it often times won’t when the IP lease is refreshed)?


Thanks @Hooverdan
I have a lowly Virgin Hub3 so static ip is not available.
The whole issue of static ip and Nas access from outside my network is a project that needs finishing, possibly a new router to provide a straight forward static ip etc is the answer.
Onwards and Upwards

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I thought even with the Hub3 in router mode you can still set a reserved dhcp address based on the MAC address in the configuration (as well as port forwarding for your external access project)? Or is that only in subsequent versions?

Like here:

Thanks again @Hooverdan
I really didn’t expect support for " off topic " stuff so a huge thanks.
I have subscribed to RichMantaray’s utube channel and will utilise his demonstrations into advanced use of the Hub3.
Thanks again.


With thanking you @Hooverdan, access to Jellyfin (RockOn) from anywhere is now functional as port forwarding and reserved ip are both set up on the Hub3.
Generate an appropriate domain name as currently useing the public ip.


Glad you got it worked out!

You could use where you then pick a subdomain name (such as mike-b which then translates into as your domain name) and then install the duckdns Rockon to ensure that if your provider changes the IP (which usually doesn’t happen very often, if ever in some cases) you still get connectivity.


Thanks @Hooverdan
Slowly building a plan at the moment having previously looked at the duckdns RockOn with due consideration regarding deployment, however, the initial step would be to choose one of these (apparently)

Currently working on this :cowboy_hat_face:

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Since we have the Rockon, you actually don’t need to go through the DuckDNS install process.

Login (create account essentially) using Google, GitHub (Reddit doesn’t work anymore). there you can then maintain your subdomain, public IP address, etc. to start with. Then you will be able to get the API token (essentially your remote login credentials).

Once that’s done, you can run the DuckDNS Rockon and maintain the subdomain and put the token from the website in. Then you should be all set.