Whenever I create a new share Rockstor recreates an old deleted share

I originally created a share named “media_tank” but when I then created a share named “tank” it made the subvolume “media_tank” = the same as the first share I created.

I deleted both “media_tank” and “tank” and created “media” which has subvolume “media” as expected but “media_tank” and “tank” re-appear.

I deleted the shares and pool and started again and it worked. Seems a bit odd though.

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that’s indeed strange. Which version of Rockstor are you running on currently (top-right corner in the WebUI)?

I am running 5.0.9-0

It has just occurred to me that I am not running a “stable” version. Where do I download 4.6.1-0 on the downloads page?

I would try here, scroll down and get 15.6 generic release.



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You can also update to 5.0.13-0 in the testing channel, which has fixed a few more things. It’s really close to the next stable release as mentioned by @phillxnet in other forum threads. However, otherwise follow @Tex1954’s hint.


That is the link I used, the generic 15.6 link is 5.0.9-0


I run the update from the CLI. Now on 5.0.13-0.