Are stable updates key/licenses transferable?

The price for the stable updates channel seems reasonable and I’m not opposed to paying for it, however my concern is I like to tinker and can almost guarantee I’ll change the rockstor server (Either the hypervsior or physical machine) within 5 years.

Is there a method of de-activating one UUID and moving the update license to another instance?

@Dragon2611 Yes this is entirely possible. And was also a concern for me. From the Update Channels section of the docs we have:-

“N.B. re-installs will require re-activation of the stable channel however every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate, via email (, the transfer of an existing stable registered appliance id / UUID to that of a re-installed system. Please be patient as the practice of this method improves response time.”

So my understanding is that one would request the new system’s UUID be registered for the stable channel in place of an existing one. So one would receive another activation code for the new system via the email request rather than from the shop, as in the original machines registration.

Does that answer you question?

@suman , please correct me if I have this mixed up some how?

Thanks @phillxnet that is correct.

@Dragon2611 I’m glad to hear you are looking into purchasing. We need many more subscriptions to keep up the project alive and thriving.

I’m all for providing transfers as long as it doesn’t get abused. After all, as a user of Rockstor, that’s what I’d like. But I also hope users will consider the fact that there is enormous cost to develop, plus the subscription cost is super low and a new activation code compared to hardware upgrade cost is perhaps negligible to a lot of users.

At this stage we don’t want to establish any strict rules about transfers and hope we never have to. I’m sure well never have to if enough of you support us.

It was more that my current install is a VM can I can see myself changing things like Virtual nics or maybe even hyper visors (I went from hyper-v to proxmox before on the same hardware so it’s not impossible to do) which may cause the UUID to change.

Sounds fair @Dragon2611, I’d be happy to provide transfers when needed.

I think I’ll start out with the 1yr plan on this box to get me going, and then we’ll see what happens in the future