@legion411 Re:
So looks like you already have at least the > 5000 user issue we ran into:
The limit was increased to 9000 which I’m guessing your system is exceeding or we have a related timeout issue with that many users.
The issue linked in the above pull request was this one:
And your copied in url shows the expected “page_size=9000”.
So it may be we have bumped, again, into this same limit!!
OK, so just seen your new post. Didn’t want to ask but yes, that would do it.
The move was forced on us actually as we were happy with our CentOS base but RHEL, the funder of CentOS (at least these days) dropped even their technical preview status for btrfs and so we were left high and dry:
My initial response at the time was here:
and here:
But ultimately we moved to rebasing on openSUSE and it was just as well given we ended up hitting a build limitation on our CentOS based at around 3.9.2-57 and so were no longer able to build there anyway. We have a non trivial amount of technical debt, Python 2 older Django etc, and were hoping to deal with it a long time ago but the btrfs news re RHEL dropping even preliminary support for it mean we had to adapt and it has been time and resource consuming. But the project is better for it as we discovered a number of deep bugs that are now sorted. Plus we now have btrfs backports managed by a company / organisation that employs a goodly number of the btrfs developers. Plus SLES default install is btrfs so they have, like us, a vested interest in it actually working.
Hope that helps, at least with narrowing down what’s going on here.