New hardware, update to Rockstor and error message

[Please complete the below template with details of the problem reported on your Web-UI. Be as detailed as possible. Community members, including developers, shall try and help. Thanks for your time in reporting this issue! We recommend purchasing commercial support for expedited support directly from the developers.]

Brief description of the problem

New hardware, new install of Rocksor, getting this error message
Unknown client error doing a GET to /api/sm/services/?page=1&format=json&page_size=9000&count=

Detailed step by step instructions to reproduce the problem

whenever I try to access services menu

Web-UI screenshot

[Drag and drop the image here]

Error Traceback provided on the Web-UI

##### Houston, we’ve had a problem.

Unknown client error doing a GET to /api/sm/services/?page=1&format=json&page_size=9000&count=
[paste here]

The problem seemed to be coming from Firefox, now everything seems to be working…

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If your browser is set to reject all cookies etc. or if you have an ad blocker doing the same, this can cause problems. Also, I have seen Firefox retain old stuff causing problems that a simple purge of history corrects.

Happy you got it working!


(Firefox user since netscape days…)

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