hello I was helped me a few years ago from this forum, just recently my hard drive with Rockstor 4 on it crashed and died. My pools are probably still intact so need to install Rockstor on a new hard drive/SSD. May need some advice would that be ok. So my question is If I install the latest version
Rockstor-Leap15.6-generic.x86_64-5.0.15-0 will it still recognize my pool in my drives from Rockstor 4
Yes. If there is nothing wrong with the pools, the import should not be an issue. If they have an issue, even an older version might have problems importing them (or more so, as the btrfs functionality has made improvements over time).
See if you had a Rockstor configuration saved somewhere, which will help post pool import to set up any other stuff like SMB shares, or Rockons, users, etc.
Thanks for getting back. No there is no saved config file I know about. The drive was a ssd 256gb that unfortunately I had, but was not brand name, so one day things just stopped working. I hooked up to a monitor, keyboard and mouse and once in bios saw only my pool drives no boot drive. I assume that the pool will be ok but was worried that going with a newer os might pose a issue
Good luck with the new install. Once you have everything set up the way you want it, create the configuration backup via the WebUI and store it somewhere else. Makes a “quick” reinstall for any reason much less painful.
Thanks for the advice I will do that