Soooo, is it dead? LOL, whatever

Wrong, sudo can also be used while logged in (under the only Login that the system EVER accepted) under a diffrent user, as long as you have the root password, AS I DO.

I have entered Root and root as the user name along with the root password, the system acts like Root or root are not user names that can be used. JUST LIKE PuTTY DOES…
The password works when using sudo before command and password after so I know I have the password correct.

Excuse me for thinking the 5GB pool is the 5GB I created during install, how dare I…
AND YOU are right, I could have sworn the drive was a 32GB but I yanked it to verify and it is a 16GB… SO I guess I am the asshole on that.

The first time you asked I followed with
btfrs fi show

SO WTF is that??? ^^^^^
If not what you asked for then what is it? I might have cropped off the 5GB pool but that is all seen right here…


5GB is also not 16GB now is it?

How can I do that when the fucking system is not doing anything??? Root and root don’t work as a user name despite the root password obviously being correct as it works using sudo. HENCE the pics of command runs in SYSTEM SHELL (NOT CALLED TERMINAL IN THE OS FYI).

HOW did I DO THAT???

Maybe there is something wrong with the drive BUT your minimum requirements obviously does not halt the install process like most operating systems would if a person tried installing to a drive that is not reporting itself as the drive it obviously is…

Not anymore I surly do not!
I am currently learning electrical theory becoming an electrician (YOU KNOW, the people that make buildings capable of powering your OS) so the bulk of my reading time is spent there after learning and quitting the insurance industry. Both fields I could call you stupid in, just because someone doesn’t know your specific hobby does not mean you are talking to someone not as smart as you. keep up the condescending attitude and this project will fold like so many others.

Speaking of, you PHILLXNET, obviously should not be answering forum posts because you obviously don’t have the social skills for it. The reason you are almost forced to be in every problem post, is because most people here have no clue about your complicated ass OS. This is why I often see you begging others to help, Yet you get nothing because most people are not willing to study a novel to have a network attached HDD or help others with theirs, gotta be a linux programmer to deal with this crap. Hence the numerous forum posts with no resolution to them. The requester gets fed up and just stops responding. Well ME, I’m going to give you a run down of your bull shit all day because you need to learn, unlike me, I don’t need to learn this OS or deal with being called a liar or treated like I am dumb for not knowing linux or being able to deduce when someone says terminal they actually mean system shell, if you want to call it terminal then change it in the OS, duh!

SOOOO, in short,

another dead, unresolved post for people to waste time on, not getting a solution to any one of the B.S. problems your OS has. LOL, we have Raid 5/6 but don’t use it!!! LOL GTFOH

P.S. You can mail me my shoes, I left them under your women’s bed.

Obviously, you do not really want an answer to your last post. Hence just to summarize a few things before locking this thread:

The “full” btrfs fi show was requested, because it would also show the root pool/drive where the OS is residing on.

Based on the writing on that USB, it was probably used for something else beforehand. So, if any other partitions (hidden or otherwise) existed on the USB, the normal drive formatting that Rockstor undertakes is not sufficient. Hence there is a recommendation to fully wipe a previously used drive to ensure no protected/hidden partitions left on the drive. Usually a simple format is not sufficient.

So, to at least get the OS drive back into working order, it would be good to either use one of the approaches mentioned in the documentation, or other methods to ensure that (in this case) close to the 16GB is available for the install. If that doesn’t bring it back to its (near) full capacity, something else might be going on with that part of the hardware.

The System Shell menu entry name is derived from the underlying package that is being used, i.e. Shellinabox and terminal refers more to the connection to the system, while the shell is the command interpreter environment.

In any case, usually the WebUI administrator user is automatically enabled to use the System shell (i.e. terminal access within the WebUI), while using an external SSH program (like PuTTY) does not - this is by default. One would have to change the SSH configuration for external connections to allow for this.

So, it is curious that the root login via PuTTY was not working. Again, could have to do with the incomplete upgrade/updates, etc. - earlier recommendation to perform a reinstall of the OS on a clean drive with sufficient capacity still stands to ensure that the logon problem is not the result of some other root cause.

This OS reinstall will not affect the existing data pool generated, as the intent of Rockstor is to separate OS and data to make reinstallation/upgrades less impactful on the data stores.

Finally, for the RAID 5/6 case, it will make sense to install the kernel backport to ensure that the most recent brtfs and its associated tools from upstream are included and the upstream read-only setting is not in effect.
As noted in other places, since Rockstor is considered not its own OS distribution but an appliance that attempts to wrap the low-level configuration and commands into a more user-friendly package, it relies heavily on OpenSUSE’s upstream updates as well as their design decisions. Hence, in absence of installing the backported kernel, the use of one of the other mixed RAID level is typically recommended, like raid1c3 or raid1c4.

Finally, agreed, the underlying commands/setups are not trivial, especially if one attempts to chain pieces together so they can be presented to the user as a consistent workflow, rather than a bunch of btrfs or other commands. However, with that also comes complexity as multiple use cases need to be considered in its design, and only real world experiences will help identify some of the less obvious ones. Unfortunately, the currently very small dev team needs to split its attention in getting the Rockstor base up to the latest releases and requirement (OS change due to obsolescence, python and django framework technical debt, other required packages) with providing some support on the forums to address issues that unquestionably exist and crop up as new and experienced users try out Rockstor.
Oh, and at the same time, since this is not a product that provides financial independence to a development team on subscriptions alone (most of that goes into the backend infrastructure for build and hosting anyway), they also have to hold a day job or two to be able to provide time and mindshare to this.

So, some patience is required and expected, as well as the help of other community members is needed for this project to move forward in faster increments.