@wdc Hello again.
I’ll answer this in place, but it likely would have been better in a thread of it’s own really :).
Not quite sure what this means actually, but I’m assuming you are referencing updating from the last Stable of 4.1.0-0:
with a ‘Built on/Uses’ base OS of Leap 15.3, to a newer Rockstor instance: Stable or otherwise.
From the forum thread for the next stable release 4.6.1-0:
Note the following:
Released in Stable Channel updates on 18th July 2023.
Leap 15.4 & Tumbleweed.
So if you are asking why no new Stable, and you are still on a Leap 15.3 base, it’s because it was released for Leap 15.4 only as 15.3 was EOL for over 6 months by that point: however we did release testing channel versions for Leap 15.3 base OS to get folks there to newer versions in order to help with existing installs not being left too far behind. But the official 4.6.1-0 stable rpm was only published for 15.4 (but it first appeared, as all our Stable rpms do, in a prior testing channel (just saying)). And for the 15.3 base it was the last in that stable channel. But do take care to not go further than that version if you want to be using the stable rpms. We have now begun a new testing channel phase that includes 15.4 onwards as an OS base.
So it may be that the following howto in our docs is relevant:
But if you are still on a “Uses OpenSUSE Leap 15.2” based install then follow the 15.2 to 15.3 in-place update first:
Mouse over on the kernel version in top-right of Web-UI should tell you what base OS your Rockstor install is based on:
or for say our Leap 15.5 based testing rpm releases we have (a slightly out-of-date):
We haven’t reached the next stable for Leap 15.5 yet however - that is what our current testing channel is aimed at.
Or a peek via cat /etc/os-release
at the canonical reference of course.
Hope that helps.