V4 "Built on openSUSE" Stable Channel Changelog


Released in Stable Channel updates on 16th January 2022.

Our first v4 “Built on openSUSE” Stable Channel release.

As for every initial stable release before it, this rpm first appeared at the end of a testing channel phase. Please see the full history of the last testing channel and it’s ultimate conclusion of this exact same rpm:

For our on-gong efforts to achieving sustainable open source development, see the following:

In short, we develop in testing and release for every-day use in stable.

Big breaking changes in early testing is followed by lengthy community field testing and feedback until the later stages of testing refine down to the next usable version intended for production. Then the whole cycle repeats.

This forum thread will server as a changelog for minor hot fixes, sponsored additions, or smaller testing channel cherry picks deemed safe and necessary for production.

“… whatever is of a nature to arise is bound to pass away”
from the Ki.msukaa Sutta: The ‘What’s It’ Tree (Ki.msuka)
Ki.msukaa Sutta: The 'What's It' Tree (Ki.msuka)

A new testing channel begins

Shortly a new testing channel forum changelog thread will begin. This time, due to the enormity of our task, we must use git branches - testing for testing, master for stable. Last time we migrated from CentOS to openSUSE whilst maintaining the prior CentOS stable releases and the just finished “Built on openSUSE” testing releases. This time we intend to update our dependencies to field our future: i.e. we need to update our Django and Python underpinnings. This work has begun and will be published shortly in the new testing branch once our production and publishing systems are finalised to accommodate our new git dual branch model.


As per all previous releases, testing & stable, I would again like to thank all those who have helped to support Rockstor’s development. Be it via an update channel subscription, reporting/supporting here on the forum, or on GitHub, or contributing code/docs/rock-ons, or suggestion. All is appreciated.

Special thanks to our intrepid core/docs/rock-ons/installer developer and forum admin @Flox. And to our current long term forum stalwarts @Hooverdan & @GeoffA; it wouldn’t be the same without you.

Finally, thanks to @suman for both co-founding (with @sujeetsr) this entire project and trusting me with the more recent fostering years.