Unknown internal error doing a GET to /api/rockons?page=1&format=json&page_size=32000&count=0

Brief description of the problem

Tried to get listing of all available rockon addons.

Detailed step by step instructions to reproduce the problem

Enabled rockon service, created share. No installed addons. Tried to list all available addons. boom!

Web-UI screenshot

Error Traceback provided on the Web-UI

[paste here] no traceback

Howdy! Obviously the problem is your system may need a Free Rockstor Case Badge!


But seriously, I saw that before and it turned out I had to go to the System Services menu and enable Rockons there and then reboot. Figured it was a glitch on my end…


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@kopenland is the first time that you’re looking at Rockons, or have you used the functionality in the past? And let us know whether @Tex1954 recommendation might have worked for you.

I ended up installing the latest version and restoring the backup from the old version and fortunately, it was successful. I don’t know why the restore would not work with the version that was on it.

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